you don't know when to quit, do you?
I want you to remember this moment...
the next time you think...
种胡萝卜的蠢兔子 除此之外
you will ever be anything more than just a stupid...
#练字[超话]#day388#每日练字打卡 #
Today I learned and practiced three confusing words, and these are Crush、Smash and Squash.
1. Crush :
When we use the word, think of a can, you know, a can of beer or coca-cola can be crushed, and you will hear a breaking sound. There’s usually no liquid or there could be water. It’s usually empty. There is a sound and it’s one sound and a quick effect.
Therefore, a car can crash and the front of the car can be crushed.
2. Smash:
Smash has several meanings to smash something, to hit something, but many times the word smash is used with glass.
So you imagine a window or mirror that has been smashed, the idea is something hit the window and then it cracked. That is the idea of smash.
Therefore, smash your face, it means I’m gonna hit your face, and then your face will feel great pain.
3. Squash:
The meaning of squash is similar to these words, but squash has the idea of liquid water coca-cola coming out.
So when we say squash, you can think of stepping on a banana. You step on it ,it crushes and banana comes out. You can also squash a bug and the blood comes out, yes, I know it’s gross but that’s this idea.
4. Conclusion:
Crush? Think of a can.
Smash? Think of something hitting a glass or window.
Squash? Think of something stepping on a banana. https://t.cn/RL71xR4

#练字[超话]#day385#每日练字打卡 #
it's hard for me to write those words well,such as “投” “名”“处”“多”.

so there's no doubt that i have to practice these words over and over again!

day4 Zootopia

what's more ,today i learn and master how to express "how full I am" in advanced expressions.

They will go in order from feeling a little full to extremely full.
As u can see:

1.I've had enough

2.I'm stuffed

3.I can't eat another bite https://t.cn/RL71xR4

‘People come into your life, for a reason, for a season, or for a lifetime.’
So we decide how to deal with them according to this. Let the reason be a reason. Allow the season to pass. Try my best to cherish the last kind.
Calm down and keep going on~

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