今天做的是地中海风味儿的意面、、有白葡萄酒和虾和以下等材料、、希望我的金主爸爸们能高兴点儿啦 真费劲啊 要点儿钱 要了我老命了~~ 哎妈呀、、、我先睡了 您们先忙 哈 我明天再和您们聊 因为已经十二点半了 我希望每天十点睡觉~~ 明天我们再说~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪~~~

Okayyy I made something to make sure my lovesss are all happy with my service so I cooked for all of y’all today okayyy ,,, I was having a really busy week so didn’t feel like cooking but then I’m like I gotta do this better and serve all my clients better so I made this Mediterranean shrimp pasta dish and hope y’all like pasta as much as I do ,,, gotta thank the government for funding our stamp tho so I’m able to make these food for you guys and about time to get funded ourselves to upgrade everything and make everything better for all of y’all with anyone ,,, okayyy yahhh so here’s my effort to pleasing and working on all my loves today and hope y’all enjoy it when I make my American dishes cause if I work on the Chinese bosses next week I’m going to be making Chinese lolll I bet y’all want me to work on all of you more right ?!?? So here I did today ,,, hope y’all enjoy my weekly session in the kitchen I sure loveee it !!! Loveee cooking and love fashion and loveeee so so so many things and loveee shopping the most lol lol loll and hope y’all get me to do what I loveee to do real soon I can’t wait alreadyyy come on gimme my monayyyyy so I can go shopping ahhhhhhh haven’t shopped in 4 years fucken working everyday I wanna go shop !!! Okayy okayyyyy I’m sure I will soon let’s catch up tmr then ,,, loveee y’all so much and hope y’all enjoy my cooking as much as I do ,,,, and yahhh I want to find some music for peace as you may suspect and randomly landing on songs love love love for world peace and world prosperity for all humans !!! Too world peace and love !!!! Loveeee y’all at Coachella!!!! Have funnnn love love loveee see y’all tmr night my lovessssss love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone heart heart heart




* LESSON 102: "I share God’s Will for happiness for me."

(*Review previous illustrations to understand this one. Read the full lesson directly in

My book of #ACIM illustrations, "365 Illustrations: A Course in Miracles Workbook Lessons", is now available on the Amazon site of your country, in Paperback, Hard Cover and e-book, in English and Spanish!

My sincerest wish – as it was from the very beginning – is that these illustrations support us in our understanding of the teachings of the Course.

May they continue to do so, under the guidance of the Spirit.

With much love and blessings,

(You can see the entire collection of the original illustrations, in this folder on my Facebook page: )

Alberto Agraso - Art of the Spirit

* LECCIÓN 102: "Comparto con Dios Su Voluntad de que yo sea feliz".

(*Revisa las ilustraciones previas para poder entender esta. Lee la lección completa directamente en

Mi libro de ilustraciones de #UCDM, "365 ilustraciones: Libro de ejercicios de Un curso de Milagros", ya está disponible en la página de Amazon de vuestro país, en tapa blanda, tapa dura y en e-book, en inglés y en español!

Mi deseo más sincero, como lo fue desde el principio, es que estas ilustraciones nos apoyen a todos en nuestra comprensión de las enseñanzas del Curso.

Que así sea bajo la guía del Espíritu.

Con mucho amor y bendiciones,

(Podéis ver toda la colección de las ilustraciones originales, en este album de mi página de Facebook: )

Alberto Agraso - Art of the Spirit

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