Okay... this ending... *sigh*. It would have been much more satisfying if they had included just one more shot. I needed to see 南雅 meeting 周洛 at the end, or at least the series could have concluded with a shot of 南雅 looking happy or a two-shot of them together.

I can come to terms with their fate because I appreciate 林方路's line, '我赌他们的感情是真的,' and I also believe that the truth will ultimately liberate them. BUT, the presence of 青李 was unnecessary. The viewers deserved the emotional reward of seeing 周洛 and 南雅 together, and I understand why some feel shortchanged. It also does a disservice to 青李's character, as it left me feeling annoyed with her.

For a series that so thoroughly developed this relationship, with the incredibly talented 童瑶 and 张新成 portraying one of the most unforgettable on-screen relationships I've seen in a Chinese drama, the last episode disappointingly featured too little of them. It's remarkable how these actors managed to captivate us. Lesser actors might not have been able to make us care as deeply about these characters with the given narrative style and limited screen time


GUIHUA Weekly 2410 | Digital Heritage

Article Recommendation

2. Roundtable discussion: progress of urban informatics in urban planning

LIU Chao1, YE Xinyue2, YUAN Xiaoru3, LONG Ying4, ZHANG Wenwen5, GUAN Chenghe6, ZHANG Fan3

1 Tongji University;
2 Texas A&M University;
3 Peking University;
4 Tsinghua University;
5 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey;
6 New York University Shanghai

With the rapid development of computer technology, urban informatics, as a new discipline in the field of urban planning, has gradually attracted academic attention. The rise of urban informatics puts new pressures on urban planning, but it also provides a new perspective of analysis. This paper is a summary of a panel discussion among scholars in urban informatics held at the 2020 International Association for China Planning (IACP). In this context, the panel outlines the definition of urban informatics, and the difference between urban informatics and urban analytic and computing, and found that urban informatics pays more attention to end user. This indicates that urban informatics has been more than a supporting role in urban planning or design, and is increasingly integrated with urban planning. The panel also discusses the connotation of urban informatics and its wide application in practice, and illustrates with examples. At the same time, the team identifies the difficulties of its development mainly reflected in the two aspects of resources and talents, and the learners of urban planning discipline have natural advantage in learning urban informatics. Finally, the panel discusses how to improve teaching, and concludes that the promotion of good cases, discipline integration, training data thinking rather than focusing too much on methods and other concepts. All in all, this panel's report contributes to the wider discussion about the role of urban informatics plays in urban planning.

AI; Multiple brain model; Swarm intelligence; Smart City; Urban brain

It’s never too late to be the person you want to be.成为自己想成你可以不强大,但你不能没有梦想!你可以不成功,但不能放弃努力!

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