The fragmented buildings you see in the picture are caused by war. So, now you can think about a question: has war brought benefits or disadvantages to humanity? Why do you say that?
If you are interested in the topic of war, you can watch this movie called " Burden of War". On "burden of", you can book tickets.#war##human nature##history#

The fragmented buildings you see in the picture are caused by war. So, now you can think about a question: has war brought benefits or disadvantages to humanity? Why do you say that?
If you are interested in the topic of war, you can watch a movie called " Burden of War". On "burden of", you can book tickets.#war##human nature##history#

BEC商务英语口语900句 (271-290)

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  289.We are prepare to offer our computers to you at the special discount rate of 15%.
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