1. look on the bright side
Look on the bright side - no one was badly hurt.

2. no kidding
No kidding, there were about 200 people at the party.

3. be on the tip of your tongue
Her name is on the tip of my tongue.

4. live up to sth
The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations.

5. take (sth) over
The company he works for has recently been taken over.

6. necessary evil
I think he regards work as a necessary evil.

7. easier said than done
"Why don't you just ask Simon to pay?" "That's easier said than done."

8. there and back
It was 20 miles there and back.

9. with flying colours

10. you can bet your life
You can bet your bottom dollar that she'll be the next president.

11. be none the worse
He's lost some weight but he's none the worse for it.

12. in advance
If you're going to come, please let me know in advance.

13. in case以防万一
I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just in case.

14. in no time
The kids ate their dinner in no time.

15. be in the red

16. in the works在筹备中;在完成中
Changes to the system are already in the works.

17. keep sth to yourself
I don't want everyone to know, so if you could keep it to yourself I'd appreciate it.

18. have time to kill
We've got some time to kill before we leave - do you want to have some coffee.

19. leave sb standing
Her voice is excellent - it leaves the others standing.

20. go along with sth/sb
Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it.

Swing for the fences,她的全垒打。
Amelia Showalter was debating whether asking a stranger to join her on a ghost tour was a mad idea.
She was sitting in a crowded bar in Edinburgh’s Old Town, the last dregs of a glass of Scottish whisky in front of her.
Also in front of her: Lucas Demaria. An Argentinian DJ she’d just met. He was a fellow Edinburgh tourist and a self-confessed “big nerd.” And he was someone Amelia was “very much liking talking with”
Amelia swallowed the last of her whisky, and in turn swallowed her reservations. She wanted to carry on her conversation with Lucas. And she was in a city she’d never visited before. If he said no, it didn’t matter. What did she have to lose?
“I’m heading on this ghost tour soon,” Amelia said. “Do you want to come? It’s supposed to be spooky.”
Lucas raised his eyebrow.
“Not that I actually believe in ghosts,” Amelia added quickly.
“Sure,” said Lucas, laughing. “Why not.”

Archive…..from Snapchat (yeah why the fuck did i write this on a burn-after-reading app in the first place???)

played through ‘life is strange’ again with a new steam account (not saying im disabling my old account, just not wanting some of my old friendz seeing me playin this game after all these years)

and conclusion first: me still cried like hella shit in the final cutscene

and 33 optional photos taken in a 13.9 hour speedrun (kinda?) even impresses myself[doge][doge]

god sake i was like 12 years old when first played this game and you might think lot has changed since but nothing really has

gosh, you know how i feel when seeing Arcadia bay 6 whole years after “first visit”? miss those good old days[苦涩]

if hospital checkups continue to delay for another week i might try ‘before the storm’ and ‘true colors’, i know lots of ppl saying the sequel by dontnod studio is better but ive played ‘captain spirit’ when it came out in 2018 and me no like it, so i might as well try the ones made by decknine first

(told foxy about this game in june last year, too bad it won’t start on his ‘puter, otherwise it’d be fun to discuss the story wouldn’t it? actually max caulfield reminds me of this particular person in real life…….but never mind[doge])

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