将欧浓巧克力做成带有浓厚冰岛特色的可食用小型巧克力雕塑是一种什么样的体验❓4月24日至28日,欧浓携手冰岛设计师Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir,参与冰岛最大的年度设计节——DesignMarch
用艺术诠释什么是Bean-to-bar——将最初「可可豆」上剥下来的果壳,和最终成品「巧克力」进行结合 所有展出的巧克力小雕塑不仅继承了欧浓一惯坚持的,冰岛自然文化灵感和独特冰岛口味也寄托着久居伦敦的冰岛设计师Theodóra对于故乡满满的回忆和无尽依恋

#欧浓巧克力# #omnom欧浓# #冰岛# #冰岛旅行# #冰岛旅拍# #北欧# #巧克力#

美丽的生物 Berdreymi (2022)
导演: 古德蒙达尔·阿诺尔·古德蒙松
编剧: 古德蒙达尔·阿诺尔·古德蒙松
主演: Birgir Dagur Bjarkason / Áskell Einar Pálmason / 奥拉维尔·达里·奥拉夫松 / 布勒·辛瑞克松 / Viktor Benóný Benediktsson / Snorri Rafn Frímannsson / 安妮塔·布瑞姆 / Ísgerður Elfa Gunnarsdóttir / Kristín Ísold Jóhannesdóttir / Theodór Pálsson / Kamilla Guðrún Lowen / Aðalbjörg Emma Hafsteinsdóttir / Sunna Líf Arnarsdóttir / Davíð Guðbrandsson / Þórhildur Ingunn / 巴尔德尔·埃纳尔松
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 冰岛 / 丹麦 / 瑞典 / 荷兰
语言: 冰岛语
上映日期: 2022-02-12(柏林电影节)
片长: 123分钟
又名: 冰岛少年三加一(台) / Chicken Boy / Beautiful Beings

Normally in Europe, when you drink tea, it comes in tea cups with either pre-packaged tea bags or with loose tea in a strainer. But in China, green tea is served in tall clear glasses with just loose leaves floating on the top.

One Western colleague didn't know how she was supposed to drink it. No matter how much you try to blow the leaves away from your mouth, they keep rushing back to your lips as soon as you start sipping the water. If you clamp your lips tightly around the rim of the glass, the wet tea leaves tend to stick to your lips and make your look very silly. Eventually, to avoid embarrassment, our friend drank the tea and just swallowed the tea leaves.

As she stayed in China longer, she observed how the Chinese drink green tea. There are basically three ways. First, some Chinese drink the tea with the leaves. They chew and then swallow the leaves. Second, some slurp the tea, using their front teeth a a filtering device to block out the tea leaves. Finally, others drink the tea and spit out the tea leaves in a small plate. All three methods are completely acceptable culturally.

Although initially our friend found it a bit uncomfortable to spit out the tea leaves—as it is not polite in western culture to spit out anything once it is inside one's mouth—eventually she adopted the local custom. Now she can drink green tea like a Chinese and can conduct meetings with local Chinese partners without giving a thought to the loose tea leaves floating in the glass.

Like most cultures, the Chinese drink different kinds of alcohol at different occasions.

Beer is a casual drink among friends, families, and collleagues. The Chinese can drink beer in copious amounts. I remember whtn I came to China as a college student one summer. My friends at the Chinese universities would order a huge bottle of beer for each person. I was surprised to find that a big bottle of local beer was a lot less expensive than a bottle of water at that time.
Red wine is the drink of choice when you meet with senior officials in the government or with important clients for the first time. It is seen as a more elegant drink. One would usually order an expensive bottle of red wine but would sip it slowly. It is not a drink one would go "bottoms up" in toasts. It is not unusual, however, to see Chinese add ice buces and Sprite to their glasses of red wine. Theodṓra and I had a business lunch with the head of a big publishing house in Beijing a couple of years ago. We ordered a nice bottle of Chinese-made red wine for our guest. The gentleman asked for ice cubes and some Sprite to put into the wine. It was the first time we had seen that done, so out of respect, both of us quickly added ice cubes and Sprite to our glasses as well.

The hard liquor known as "Bai Jiu" is favored by people in northern China. It is a very strong grain alcohol which can be upwards of 120-proof. People typically drink this hard alcohol for two reasons. First, it is a wat to loosen up. Getting a little drunk is not a social embarrassment in China. On the contrary, allowing yourself to get a little drunk is a sign that you are lowering your inhibitions and are becoming friends with your drinking partners. In northern China, friendships are cemented after you have gotten drunk with your Chinese business partners. Second, offering hard liquor is a business strategy to get the other to agree to otherwise difficult business terms. If one is drunk, he is more likely to say "yes" to things he would not have when sober.

After attending a few dinners with Chinese business partners, Theodṓra commented that fortunately he had a high level of alcohol tolerance from when she was the president of a fraternity house in college. On most occasions, she can out-drink her Chinese collegues, or at least hold her own, and this has helped her establish both friendships and creedibility with her associates.

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