燕麦片怎么翻译?oatmeal 或者 rolled oat
The English translation of the Chinese word 燕麦片 (yànmǎi piàn) is oatmeal. It is a type of breakfast cereal made from rolled oats, which are flattened oat groats. Oatmeal is a good source of fiber, whole grains, and iron. It is also a low-fat, low-cholesterol food.

Here are some other English words that can be used to translate 燕麦片:

Rolled oats
Oat flakes
Oat groats
Oatmeal porridge
The specific word that you choose will depend on the context of your writing or speech. For example, if you are talking about the ingredients in a recipe, you might use the word rolled oats or oat groats. If you are talking about a ready-to-eat cereal, you might use the word oatmeal or oat flakes. And if you are talking about a dish that is made with oatmeal, you might use the word oatmeal porridge.

Here are some examples of how 燕麦片 can be used in a sentence:

我喜欢吃燕麦片。 (Wǒ xǐhuan chī yànmǎi piàn.)
I like to eat oatmeal.

你吃燕麦片了吗? (Nǐ chī yànmǎi piàn le ma?)
Have you eaten oatmeal yet?

这碗燕麦片很美味。 (Zhè wǎn yànmǎi piàn hěn měiwèi.)
This bowl of oatmeal is delicious.

我要煮燕麦片粥。 (Wǒ yào zhǔ yànmǎi piàn zhōu.)
I'm going to make oatmeal porridge.

你可以用燕麦片做饼干。 (Nǐ kěyǐ yòng yànmǎi piàn zuò bǐnggān.)
You can use oatmeal to make cookies.

返程的时候途径旧货店 买了些衣服 主要买了蓝色和黑色的 因为我没黑色的(要给我钱哦)包括这个黑色的帽子~~ 如果易咪咪今天还过分的话 我就准备黑色炸场啦、、没法怪我 因为他老婆和别人睡了 昨天还和睡了的人说是她最爱和真香 还有她要玩儿、、、所以没法管我啦~~ 弄我就会弄回去 已经准备好啦~~ 武器已上膛 (都要给我钱哦、、、300万我也要收 给易咪咪送生日礼物、、、陪你们玩儿每月两万 今天已自费黑色服装 做好武装准备了 绿色也买了一件)明天给大家看我都入了什么~~ 希望我可以快点来钱买新衣服啦 就不需要去旧货店和减价店淘货啦~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱妈妈咪 爱妈妈咪 重要的事情说三遍~~

On my way back and stopped by the thrift store ,,, and a bunch of thrifted blue and black outfits ,,, primarily black cause I don’t have any ,,, need to get back to the red boss since he started shit with me,,, this is a new black hat I bought today just showing some minor attitude lolll ,,, we are on the way back to my mom’s now,,, and want to take an hour nap when I get there ,,, but will get back to work after I’m returned ,,, I believe Gucci just had their fashion show today and I’ll be reposting as soon as the resource becomes available on this server ,,, also will show everybody what I got tmr ,,, today I might try to repost when I get back and tmr tooo,,, heavy working mode but yahhhh I can’t wait to get funded so I can shop real fashion outfits omgoshhhh so done shopping at the discounted and thrift store !!! But I love thrifting for vintage actually lolll ,,, anyways see y’all in a bit ,,, I just got done at the store and getting home now,;; also can’t wait to move into my luxury artistic pad soon omgoshhh can’t wait love love loveeee

去政府给我的房子签字的路上 还发专车来接呢、、我看易咪咪刚找他一号啦、、真不巧呢 您老婆在您找她几个小时前 刚找她睡了那位说 说他真香 是她最爱呢 说还要好好玩儿 哈哈哈 你昨天这昨天不是找了你老婆那么多次嘛 她还找她睡了那位说是真香和最爱啊~~~ 啧啧啧啧 看来你这样还拿不下你老婆哦 你老婆还是不久前找了她睡了那位说是最爱和真香还有她要玩儿了 啧啧~~~ 看来你不只能天天在家守着你老婆了哦 不能玩儿了哦~~ 他老婆一不找她 她就和别人睡 晚找一点就说睡的那人是真爱和真香~~ 哎呀~~~ 不过易烊千玺是找赵露思说晚安啦刚才、、、但是他还是玩儿不过他老婆 他老婆是真和人睡啊~~ 刚和她睡那位说是最爱和真香噢~~ 好梦噢~~~ 我今天得给我工作补 所以我是蓝的,、黑色和绿色都给我发了还没找他一号、、、谢谢了哦~~ 今天我还得是蓝色的、、但我会做一些黑色设计神马的、、、如果明天您那边儿还是那样的话 我就得上黑色服装了~~ 已经对您很客气了 他老婆没那么客气 他昨天已经找她很多次了 她还和她睡的那位说是最爱和真香 还有她要玩儿、、找了那么多次还说睡了那位是真香是最爱 哈哈哈哈哈~~ 你只能全天守着你老婆了 吼吼吼吼~~ 睡了那位真香和最爱 还是没你老婆会玩儿啊~~ 好好跟那儿守着吧~~~ 我只能给您一天的时间 明天还这样 我就得上黑色了哦~~ 祝您每天开心 好好守着吧~~ 他老婆和别人睡了 你找完她 还说睡的那位是最爱和真香 哈哈哈哈哈~~~ 没你老婆玩儿的好哦 他老婆是真和别人睡 哈哈哈哈哈啊哈~~~ 我们现在到这里签完字啦 等着回去呢 路上可能去店里买点东西~~~ 晚点再说吧

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet people on this ,,, so we are at the government subsidized housing signing for my government apartment right now ,,, we got transported here early in the morning and now we are on our way back ,,, we might hit the stores on our way back too so be back in a little bit ,,, wearing my all blue government subsidized clothing to show loveeeee ,,, and also took pictures of this Tesla that drove passed us ,,, I want to catch a better picture for the Tesla but it went by really fast ,,, I’ll try better later if I spot more Tesla and hope Mr. Musk and all my bosses and everyone stays happy,,, the red boss had some shit again so I have to fight it out with him ,,, refer to the translators but I’ll talk to everybody in a bit ,,, saw Zuck coming out first thing this morning awwww so happy to see Zuck wanna get in a quick chat with him and all of you soon !!!! I’m just getting paper work signed and then we are waiting to get a ride on our way back and we might hit the store on our way back since we are already out ,,, but alll blue to show my love for the blueeee babyyyy can’t wait to get funded so I can really do my blue outfits and decors really really welll ,,, can’t wait for my new dream pad and my new art place ahhhhhh sooo exciting !!!! Yayyyyyyy okayyy talk to y’all again when we are back love love love my terrific amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone

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