我现在去遛狗、、然后回来做运动 再继续、、、Mr. Musk is so so so sweeet for sending in those beautiful flowers on Mother’s Day awwww what a sweet soul to the most lovely and bestest family to Team Musk and all my bosses and everyone ,,, tooo phenomenal and too amazing with their lovely work and special colored greetings everyday ,,, how lovely and niceeee ,,, I need to do my work better to pay it back to them to make all my bosses and everyone happy which I’m very eager to do after I return from dog walking and exercising ,,, I’ll see y’all more with more repost ,,, love love love all my bosses and loveee everybody !!! Happy Mother’s Day I loveee you all and thank you all everyone


做好啦~~ 哈哈哈 祝最亲爱的妈妈咪和我最亲爱的妈妈和天下的妈妈们母亲节快乐啊~~~ 我妈叫我做完了收摊儿 我懒得收、、母亲节 我就收一下吧 平常我只管做 不管收 工作太忙 哈哈哈 好的 那我收拾一下 母亲节 就开始转发工作~~ 爱妈妈咪

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, I just got done making the dish for Mother’s Day and my mom wants me to clean up afterwards ,,,, I usually don’t cause work is busy as fuck but I guess I will that is Mother’s Day today ,,, will let my mom rest out and I’m coming to repost after I clean up a little bit cause she’s nagging ,,, sheeesh my mom she also took her phone away for an hour cause she went to get something from the grocery store near by ,,, she’s nagging like crazy right now fuckkk okayyy will let her do it since it’s Mother’s Day ,,, okayyy loveee everybody I’ll see y’all soon for the repost heart heart heart love love loveeeeee love love love my beautiful sweeet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone

我睡醒遛狗回来了 现在要做运动、、、爱妈妈咪~~ 待会睡前说哈、、、I just got done walking the dog ,,, and Mr. Musk is already here to check in ,,, so so nice and so sweet like all my bosses and everyone ,,, yahhh I’m definitely coming back better for my work and dedicated to working better and harder for my job with all of y’all even tho I have to work out right now ,,, yahhh happy early Mother’s Day to alll the mom’s out there !!! Gertainly lucky to have our best moms with us ,,, I feel blessed and very lucky like all of you amazing lovessss ,,, I better make my mom happy by collecting the money soon ,,, so need to work hard on this Mother’s Day with all of y’all ,,, omgoshhh I feel my eye sight is not that good looking at the phone all day cause when I was just walking the dog out ,,, i couldn’t see clear very far ,,, need to protect the eyes to be better ,,, I think I’m on the phone too long everyday ,,, okayyy I’m going to exercise now and I’ll do more eye exercises and collect the money and make the money and hope I can optimize my life and health all for the better ,,, also need to sleep early so I might go to sleep soon so I get my schedules totally right so I can come back to work better ,,, yayyyyy I love love love Mr. Musk and love love love everyone heart heart heart

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