2024春【NTV SP】『Clubキャッテリア』(Club Catteria)
『Club Catteria』及『Club Dosha』是两家落座在充满金钱和欲望的街道"歌舞伎町"的对立牛郎俱乐部,它们的经理分别叫布偶猫和褴褛猫,是一对互相竞争的好友。
他们年轻时曾在传说中的牛郎・阿比猫的店『Club Gato』共事过,时而争吵,时而合作,切磋琢磨中成长为优秀的牛郎。
听着他们叙旧的小黑和三花还有俱乐部的人们在最后终于听到了『Club Catteria』诞生的秘密故事!
荒牧慶彦 立花裕大
石川凌雅 田中涼星 福澤侑 廣野凌大 泰江和明 持田悠生
小沢真珠 弓削智久
2024年4月2日、9日 24:59~

vata季节性清洁疗法Vasti Therapy:阿育吠陀疗法使用草药煎剂灌肠和药用草药油灌肠,以清除大肠中多余的dosha。灌肠煎剂源自草药(100 多种草药的排列组合)。草药,如蓖麻、苁蓉、葛根和甘草等。药油灌肠通常作为一个单独的程序进行。这些灌肠疗法可将apana vata)重新导向正常
的向下流动,并舒缓体内的vata紊乱。Pinda Sweda:阿育吠陀疗法中使用的熏蒸疗法,可彻底振奋身体。这种疗法可以刺激重要组织和器官,同时缓解身体疼痛。Swedan(熏蒸)疗法还能消除心中的恐惧。Abhyanga:Abhyanga:阿育吠陀按摩系统的应用,使用草药油、芝麻油
、檀香油等。Abhyanga 是一种重要的阿育吠陀疗法,用于恢复身体肌肉系统的平衡。这种按摩还能促进心境平和,增强四肢力量,并能使人恢复活力。Shirovasti :阿育吠陀疗法:将药油倒在头上,让其停留一段时间。这种疗法能促进头脑清醒,增强记忆力,消除压力,防止头发脱落和变白,使身体完全恢复活力。Shirobhayanga:在头部涂抹药油的阿育吠陀疗法。各种阿育吠陀草药(250 多种草药的组合),如 bremhi、avala、shankpushpi 等,用芝麻油煮沸,为Shirobhyanga 做准备。然后用油充分按摩头部、给感官器官带来生命和平衡,让整个身体恢复活力。
Vata Seasonal Cleansing Therapies

Vasti Therapy: The Ayurvedic use of herbal decoction enemas, as well as
medicated herbal oil enemas, to clear the excess dosha from the large intestines.

Enema decoction are derived from herbs (permutation and combination of more than 100 herb ) such as castor, dashamula, gotu kola, and liquorice etc. The medicated
herbal oil enema is usually administered as a separate procedure. These enemas re-direct the apana vata to its normal downward flow and soothe Vata
disturbances in the body.

Pinda Sweda: The Ayurvedic use of fomentation therapy to thoroughly
invigorate the body.

This therapy stimulates the vital tissues and organs, while alleviating body pain. Swedan (fomentation) therapy also removes fear from the mind.

Abhyanga: The application of the Ayurveda system of massage, using herbal
medicated oils, sesame oil, sandalwood oil, and so on.

Abhyanga is a vital Ayurvedic practice used to restore equanimity to the body’s muscular system. This massage also promotes both peace of mind and strength of limbs and is highly rejuvenating.

Shirovasti : The Ayurvedic practice of pouring medicated oil on the head and
allowing it to remain for a period of time.

This therapy promotes mental clarity, stimulates memory power, removes stress, arrests hairfall and hairgreying and completely revitalizes the body.

Shirobhayanga: The Ayurvedic application of medicated oils to the head.
Various Ayurvedic herbs (permitaion and combination of more than 250 herb) such as bremhi,avala,shankpushpi etc are boiled in sesame oil in preparation for shirobhyanga. The head is then amply massaged with the oil,giving life and balance to the sense organs and rejuvenating the entire body.#瑜伽[超话]##瑜伽冥想##冥想[超话]##阿育吠陀# https://t.cn/RZVeEA7

VATA:生命能量增加的季节雨季季节(早秋)在雨季,地球会向大气中释放更多的气体,这往往会加重vata。雨季的潮湿和此时水中较高的酸度会进一步加重vata 的失衡。雨季到来时,身体正经历着漫长而严酷的北风期。尽管雨季标志着南风期的开始,是一个增强的时期,但身体仍然很脆弱,难以抵挡雨水的侵袭。vata是一种很快就会失衡的能量,因此一年四季都会受到某种程度的影响。然而,它需要在严重恶化期结束时得到特别的帮助,这个时期从夏季开始,一直持续到整个雨季。因此,vata的第一个年度排毒期是在雨季的前期和后期之间。虽然vata的主要缓解季节是雨季(初秋),但下一个适当的清洁期在秋末。
Seasonal Cleansing Therapies for Each Dosha
Rainy: Season (Early Fail)

During the rainy season, the earth releases more gases into the atmosphere,
which tends to aggravate Vata. Further aggravation is created by the dampness of the rainy season and the higher acidity in the water at that time.
The rainy period comes at a time when the body, having endured the long and
harsh time of the northerly phase. Even through the rainy season marks the beginning of the southerly phase, a period of strengthening, the body is still to vulnerable to resist the onslaught of the rains.

Vata is the dosha that leaps out of bounds very quickly and is thus afflicted
somewhat consistently throughout the year. However, it requires special help at the end of the period of major aggravation, which begins in the summer and runs into and throughout the rainy season. Thus Vata’s first annual cleansing period comes between the early and late phases of the rainy season.

Although Vata’s main season of alleviation is the rainy season (early fall), the
next appropriate cleansing period occurs at the end of autumn.——《八支心要集》#瑜伽[超话]##瑜伽冥想##阿育吠陀# https://t.cn/z81PuZC

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