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John Stones is ‘very unhappy’ at Man City – sources

Wayne Veysey
Mon 13 May 2024 17:00, UK

John Stones is “very unhappy” at losing his Man City starting role despite being fully fit and available, sources have told Football Insider.

Stones, 29, has started just one Premier League game since March and is concerned about losing his nailed-on position in the England team.

He is considered a guaranteed starter at centre-back under Gareth Southgate for the Euros, but there are concerns that a longer spell out of City’s team could see him lose his place beyond this summer.

His future at the reigning Premier League champions is now up in the air, despite his current contract running until the summer of 2026.

John Stones considering Man City future amid England concern
Stones’ season has been blighted by injury issues so far, but despite returning to full fitness, Pep Guardiola has preferred Nathan Ake, Manuel Akanju and Ruben Dias ahead of him.

With 16 Premier League appearances so far this season, 12 of those coming from the start, the defender is less than pleased with his fringe role

Southgate has often stuck with players regardless of their playing time at club level, but Stones’ concerns continue to rise with each game.

He remains England’s senior centre-back, but the emergence of younger talent such as Marc Guehi and Jarrad Branthwaite has left him sweating over his place.

Stones played a key role for City in the treble-winning season, starting 27 games across all competitions, but his recent lack of minutes has brought up questions about his position.

With two years left on his current deal, a move away from the Etihad may present itself as an option for the centre-back this summer.




今天吴哥哥 ❌
不是等逾 ❌



Everyone’s been guessing what I’ve been up to as a male leading character? I’ll begin to reveal the myths one by one. I’ll begin to
use ruling out approach to rule
out others one by one. We’ll be able to see the answer clearly.

If someone said this to you, they would be collecting debts from him after a PRIVATE
PROPERTY belonged to him, which was worth a fortune, has been sold. I will be telling you responsibly that people and
they who told you about this story were


I have a calculated businessman mindset that I have never ever done a deal which resulted in an economic deficit.

Television candidates that
I’m NOT supporting:
Bros Wu Today ❌
NOT waiting for YU ❌

Candidates that I’m not supporting vary along with the situation
being watched on television.

Tomorrow is going to be our better choice

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