In a society of gender inequality, the speech of the powerful impresses its view upon the world, concealing the truth of powerlessness under a despairing acquiescence that provides the appearance of consent and makes protest inaudible as well as rare. Pornography can invent women because it has the power to make its vision into reality, which then passes, objectively, for truth.
So while the First Amendment supports pornography on the belief that consensus and progress are facilitated by allowing all views, however divergent and unorthodox, it fails to notice that pornography (like the racism, including anti-Semitism, of the Nazis and the Klan) is not at all divergent or unorthodox. It is the ruling ideology. Feminism, the dissenting view, is suppressed by pornography. Thus, while defenders of pornogntphy argue that allowing all speech, including pornography, frees the mind to fulfill itself, pornography freely enslaves women's minds and bodies inseparably,normalizing the terror that enforces silence on women's point of view.

The law considers obscenity deviant, antisocial. If it causes harm, it causes antisocial acts, acts against the social order. In a feminist perspective, pornography is the essence of a sexist social order, its quintessential social act.

#刘宇宁官宣加盟品质盛典# | #刘宇宁燕子京#|#摩登兄弟[超话]#

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.



《大提琴 琴弓与你》现代大提琴演奏技术探研 Cello, Bow and You Putting it All Together Evangeline Benedetti 纽约爱乐乐团 伊万杰琳 贝内代蒂编著Written for the cellist looking for an approach that demystifies cello playing, Cello, Bow and You is an innovative text in the field of string pedagogy written by a 40+ year veteran of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and certified teacher of the Alexander Technique. Author Evangeline Benedetti has a unique voice and approach, and invites cellists of all levels to explore, make discoveries and organically internalize technique. Benedetti's approach compliments the work that students do with their teachers by encouraging them to be more aware of themselves and responsive to internal and external guidance.

Cello, Bow and You allows students and professionals access to Benedetti's vast performance and teaching experience. She has pioneered an approach to playing that is a synthesis of the cellist's musical thought, the knowledge of the dynamic properties of the instrument and bow, and the ability to move effectively according to the mechanics of the human body. The synergy of these elements leads to physically healthy playing and frees players to be musically expressive. Written in engaging, informal prose, the book is a must-read for cellists and cello teachers - beginning, intermediate, or professional.

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