dear my sister avoid everything that hurts you. streng then yourself we as muslims are patient and what we fear is the almighty Allah. we as humans (hamba) pray to him. only Allah can destroy those who do abominable things to those who are patient.✨

Dr 13 likes to wander in fields.
ROTATION 14 likes to read, talk with the elder, listen to others experience and Outlook.
Jamie is slow in acting. Sistine is general, watching for all.
#《 tony lin 89 4 》#
4 personalities, not hard to distinguish though. One can easily tell who is...
I guess ROTATION might be the most familiar character.
☕ not quite. I don't feel confident, fourteen might want to explore the world, but I'm right to be cautious.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. - "
️but another saying,
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. - 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. - 你的态度,而不是你的能力,将决定你的高度。
✨attitude, wishing some years from RESTRAINED is a wonderful attitude, nevertheless he is about thirty years far away yet.
How can you wait?
️you are free, aren't you. Bind you together with ROTATION.
✨I would have orbit join in, at the end. Or... Ro..
️ interesting, until orbit comes, we call you.. Rolif ?
☕ Dr thirteen is certainly no common kind.
️ what do you think, YANG
yes, extraordinary interesting, meanwhile maybe practical.
✨no objection, I would like to be active if there is work
☕I remember the studio issue. First, let's see what age we have after a mixture of us two.. 14+26/2
20. About right to plan for further.
40 reminds me of 2040, SNOW MELTING, partner,
PARTIAL, could I have a part time assistant?
2 types of prediction
Use new name ROLIF
IF I was in a position to run a business,
For example, studio
二十遥,(暂且称,员外遥 看不出年龄。) 不温不火。
Should I wish to have a consultant who is... Partner?
Should I contract with an artist who
☕sorry I don't know how to describe,
✨some one different from partita.
Partner/ partita can do it on his own, sing any way he decides.
SOCI is some one who may want our reference to get started.

2 types of prediction, I heard one.
The other type, no rush.


⋆ ˃̵͙˂̵͙⍣ᐖloveᐛ⍣˃̵͙˂̵͙ ⋆࿐࿒˃̵͙˂̵͙⍣ᐖloveᐛ⍣˃̵͙˂̵͙ ⋆

˻˳˯ₑ™· ²⁰²⁴/₀₃.¹¹  ✨ ❀


The tough little prince, the rising protagonist, has been difficult to resist and tempered by thousands of fires. What is the fear of the sky, its heart is resolute. Wu Geng is him, Ah Dog is him, force is the spear, love and righteousness are the shield, and the husband is inappropriate. Ren Jialun Flame



♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎


《烈焰》❤️ 大爆特爆

ྀིRJL #任嘉伦#

ྀིRJL #任嘉伦伍赓#

ྀིRJL #任嘉伦烈焰#

ྀིRJL #烈焰预约量破100万#

ྀིRJL #etro全球品牌代言人任嘉伦#

⋆ ˃̵͙˂̵͙⍣ᐖloveᐛ⍣˃̵͙˂̵͙ ⋆࿐࿒˃̵͙˂̵͙⍣ᐖloveᐛ⍣˃̵͙˂̵͙ ⋆

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