【高清】240413 科切拉音乐节#金弘中[超话]#

cr. keepitall_hj/dowajuseyo0801/_Yukis_Guitar/fixon990809/ALittleBit_HJ/recuerdos_lovee


【2024招新 https://t.cn/A6jyhzZG 】
【mini10 TG汇总https://t.cn/A6TBlUB1】

愚人节团建存档 4️⃣

xikers站姐 ©️midnight730 (图1、图2)
faker站姐 ©️time1apsee(图3、图4)
felix站姐 ©️lost_inromance(图5、图6)
jimin/jungkook站姐 ©️allergykm5813(图7、图8-9)
kinjiwoong站姐 ©️moonlight_kjw(图10、图11-12)
junkyu站姐 ©️yunayumikei (图13、图14)
txt站姐 ©️yeshi9595(图15)

seonghwa站姐 ©️recuerdos_lovee(图17、图18)

都在发呢现在 中国的朋友们晚安啊~~~还有韩国的朋友们也晚安~~~ awww I saw it’s Weylie’s birthday sent through Sophie right now going to put it on for Weylie’s birthday just because I’m kinda finishing pretty fast today for my quota’s today already done for all the YouTube / google ones,,, and they are all lovely YouTubers and also saw Amy posting the other day haven’t seen her in the longest time and I was happy and delighted to see her and will be reposting more of y’all after I get caught up with my work k ,,, I’d imagine it wouldn’t be all birthdays for the next few months so I can do a lot of features for my lovely friends on this ,,, also saw Apple and Felix from Stray Kids again niceeee loveee to see my stray kids connecting ,,, I have followed the other 2 members who just started their instagram account like a few days ago so I’m all caught up with all of you ,,, today I’ll find some time to repost for stray kids and more of you later on tonight as I finish and get caught up with all of my work I’ll put in some time for more interactions with lovely people on this and social hours ,,, right now just doing my work office hours ,,, but thank you Felix for coming on ,,, and before I go for Apple next I’m going to do a happy birthday for Weylie hope it’s okay and not minded by the company / bosses ,,, I just wish I get to do people’s birthday right away so I don’t miss them laterrrr ,,, but yahh Weylie’s birthday next and then Apple and Felix and more Straykids reposts and more of you later tonight love love loveeee thank you everyone ,,, ohhh and Zuck’s company accounts are all posting too ,,,, I see Instagram ,,, I see the creator one for Instagram and what else I see ,,, I saw WhatsApp a lot yesterday yahhh just lovee seeing my company accounts so active and saying hello to all my bosses feels really nice to be working with everyone in the morning !!!! Loveee it super nice love love love thank you to Zuck and thank you to instagram !!! Can’t wait to see Zuck wearing one-sies in his secret Hawaiian compound really really soon lovesss heart heart heart

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