#张元英[超话]#Miu Miu SELECT by WONYOUNG JANG❤
So honored to celebrate the launch of my #MiuMiuSelect !! You can check out my favorite ready-to-wear, bag, shoe, jewelry and eyewear pieces from the latest #MiuMiu collection The selection is also available in Busan, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Taipei. Hope you like my picks


i'm still feeling having too much caffeine.
but i'm sleepy at the same time.
i was ready to fall asleep about 1 am, and woke up around 5:42 am, because i needed to make sure i'd get up on time at 9 am, i didn't turn off my phone the whole night, and that's why i could check the time right away before going to the bathroom.
then the alarm started to beep about 7:55 am? and then kept doing it every a couple minutes, and finally rang at 9 am, so i barely caught more sleep after 5:42 am..

i didn't feel starved tonight, but still i tried to eat something, just i didn't finish the small steam bun, however i had a few peanuts, and i got full and satisfied~

there're the Moon and stars tonight, and the cat, one of my acquaintances, i noticed it when doing side lunge, btw i did it for 200 times, and i didn't know when the cat start to lay there.

i saw my number earlier, look!!!!!
hahahah [哈哈][耶]
my legs still don't get much straight after exercising for months, and i guess they might stay like this, and i used to be embarrassed for them that i didn't feel confident to wear shorts or short dresses in public, i mean i wear them at home in recent years but barely in front of other people, but now i think, i don't wanna hide it forever just like i don't wanna dye my gray hairs, and i'm gonna enjoy wearing shorts/ short dresses when i feel like to.
another reason i had to have my legs straight is for the health concern, because my knees hurt when working out with them related, such as doing squat, and i have to avoid those moves for now, in fact my left knee has been very sore for weeks.
i'm still gonna keep working on having my legs straight, for health concern.

and i saw signs when going out, actually i forgot most of them, but still remembered some, including "TY-7216", "5666" & "1666", "7771", "827" twice, "1229", "1207", "0207", "2079", "7227", "5228", "8226", "6811" & "0811", "2272", "2277", "1272", "0127", "7070", "1155", "2115", "1252", "TY" twice, "HT", and tons of "67", "27" and "17, and so on.

so far?
then good night and love~

btw i asked for a cup of water to drink with my black coffee, but still..
i ordered grande one, because we're gonna stay there for hours, but now we know that's too much for me.



Simple Measurements and Experiments
NOTE: All experiments should be carried out at low speeds (say, below 30 mph) under safe conditions. A shopping market or campus parking lot on early Sunday morning often makes a good skidpad.
WARNING: The following experiments can produce significant amounts of tire wear in the shoulder area of the tires. Do not continue the experiments for many laps unless you are unconcerned about tire wear. Tire wear can be reduced by performing the experiments on wet or snow covered surfaces.(所有实验都应在安全条件下以低速(如低于30英里/小时)进行。周日清晨的购物市场或校园停车场通常是一个不错的 skidpad 测试场,你可以理解为定圆测试。


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