刚看完《绿皮书》好看,爱看You know…the world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.没文化也不知道该怎么形容,最喜欢Dolores对所有人都很温柔;也喜欢电影中的信Dear Dolores,
When I think of you,I’m reminded of the beautiful plains of Iowa The distance between us is breaking my spirit.My time and experiences without you are meaningless to me.Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have ever done.Nothing matters to me but you.And everyday I am alive,I'm aware of this.I loved you the day I met you,I love you today.And I will love you to rest of my life.
Love you,Tony
Dear Dolores,
The trees have shed their leafy clothing and their colors have faded to grays and browns.I saw a million of trees all dusted with snow just like out of a fairy tale.I would count the hours...minutes...and seconds...until you are in my arms.Love you.
Dear Dolores,
Sometimes you remind me of a house.A house with beautiful lights on it,where everyone is happy inside.Love you.

模板:3D stained glass of [subject:description], [color style], stunning intricate details, hyper realistic oil painting

3D stained glass of a guerrilla leader orchestrating a midnight raid in a dense jungle, in the style of dark greens and shadowy blacks, stunning intricate details, hyper-realistic oil painting

3D stained glass of a medieval knight facing a fire-breathing dragon in a scorched battlefield, in the style of fiery oranges and smoky blacks, stunning intricate details, hyper-realistic oil painting

3D stained glass of a samurai in full armor during cherry blossom season, petals swirling around as he draws his sword, in the style of soft pastel colors mixed with bold reds, stunning intricate details, hyper-realistic oil painting

3D stained glass of a Viking warrior standing atop a snowy mountain, holding a battle axe, surrounded by Norse runes, in the style of vibrant, icy blues and grays, stunning intricate details, hyper-realistic oil painting

When I think of you, I'm reminded of the beautiful plains of Iowa.
The distance between us is breaking my spirit.
Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have ever done.
Nothing matters to me but you,
and everyday I'm alive,I'm aware of this.
I loved you the day I met you;
I love you today,
and I'll love you for the rest of my life.
The treeshave shed their leafy clothing,
and their colors have faded to grays and Browns.
I saw millions of trees all dusted with snow,
just like out of a fairy tale.
It's getting cold.
I will count the hours,minutes,and seconds
until you are in my arms.
Love you.

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