Right before the ceremony, completed the final quiz of assessment, it is the hardest quiz I've taken during 4 semesters study. I was listening to the principal's speech while reflecting on my MA study. I 've dreamed countless times of how I could pass it to graduate in my 1st semester. Right now, I sit in the conference hall, waiting for the moment I get honored on the stage. Everything is like occurred yesterday. all semesters are stressed out, but the past weeks are unimaginable, i can not believe i have done so many things. What satisfies me is that I organized them very well. 10 papers in the portfolio, innovative materials development, the two midterm quizzes, the mathematical calculation issues, group term paper, paper presentation and final quiz. meanwhile, i completed tesol capstone, hpu capstone symposium, published my research paper, presentation at hawaii tesol conference, all the rehearsals, did two campus jobs, once worked at 6 am, supported 3 Spotlight events of visiting international students attending schools in Denmark, South Korea, and Japan. I can't believe it while I am typing all this stuff. Without all the HPU Tesol faculty, I could not reach my destination. With all their constant corrections, professional inspiration, encouragement, "du, you can, you can be me," i am not who i was 2 years ago. There is so much need to say, in a word, the two years studying experience I would never forget in the rest of life, the best way to return to them is to apply what I 've learned into a real life situation. just checked out the transcript before post, 3 A 4 A- 5 B+. Life is like this. I have suffered so much unfairness based on the fact that I was born and raised in mainland china, what is estimable is that I hold the righteous value and do never give in, but pursue till the last breath of my life. i think it might be one of my charming that distinguishes me from mainland chinese people today and an obvious merit that tesol faculty appreciate https://t.cn/8FoiQlv

Yeo, who began the project while Charles was still Prince of Wales, depicts the monarch wearing the uniform of the Welsh Guards, sword in hand, against a fiery red background that appears to almost swallow him whole, as a butterfly looks like it’s about to land on his shoulder. Yeo在Charles of Waless时期给君王画像 - 身穿Welsh Guards的制服,手拿宝剑,背景是炽烈的红色好像要把他整个吞噬, 同事好像有一个蝴蝶正要落在他的肩上。

“Much like the butterfly I’ve painted hovering over his shoulder, this portrait has evolved as the subject’s role in our public life has transformed,” said Yeo in a statement released by Buckingham Palace. 这幅作品很大程度上如我会画的萦绕在他肩膀上的蝴蝶, 随着我们大众生活的转变这幅画的主题也在变。

“I do my best to capture the life experiences etched into any individual sitter’s face. In this case, my aim was also to make reference to the traditions of royal portraiture but in a way that reflects a 21st century monarchy and, above all else, to communicate the subject’s deep humanity.” 我尽最大努力把每个坐在那里被画像的人的生活经历都能体现出来。 就这幅画, 我的目的也是参考皇家画像的传统以一种反应二十一世纪君主的方式,当然重中之重是传达出这幅画深层的人性。

#宁艺卓[超话]# #宁艺卓范思哲全球品牌代言人#
240516 黑X更新@NINGx2宁艺卓 相关repo

p1: 宁宁supernova是左边!60-70%在左边!

p2: 舞台开始之前,成员们好像都非常期待应援法

宁:(看着宁粉的手 )噢? 宁!!

p3: 卷发宁宁穿的这身衣服(p4)

p5: 宁说可以快点见面就好了 中国my们用中文说了明天见吧

p6: Giselle开玩笑问或许是宁放了火:是你做的嘛?! 所以宁就举起一根手指摆了姿势hhhh

Cr. nxngyxzhuo
Cr. yizhuo1st
┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉  ┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉

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