231111 成员推

Bunnieeeesss ^^
The light of my life✈️
two days in Macao and I’m already in love!! Thank you for the wonderful welcome!! Can’t wait to visit again and hopefully stay a little longer!! Heheh
sending lots of kissies!!! Mwah

#NewJeans #뉴진스 #DANIELLE #다니엘 #DaniTravels

Much Love ❤️

Thank you for coming
Okinawa ✈️

See you guys next year for sure !!!

Stay healthy

Work Hard Enjoy Life



there're stars tonight~

and my dinner was good, i had more rice than it showed, and two more bites of meats, chicken and pork, because of period? i felt like to eat a little meat.

and orange , good too~

i feel like to add something about p8, i know I've included it in my previous journal, but i forgot to mention that, before starting my meditation, i did ask babies what they want to tell me, and then, i tried to "meditate", but then of course i fell asleep~
like not surprisingly~
so i actually perceived p8 in sleeping, or in between asleep, i am not sure, it's a long meditation, you gotta know.
in fact, i had some other "feelings" occurred during the meditation.

and i dont think that falling asleep in meditation is a bad thing, at least it works for me, cuz mostly we rest our rational mind in sleeping, and that's the time we are able to receive perceptions, but again, it works for me, and we all have to find our own way, right?
i am just sharing my experiences with you~

thinking about taking a painkiller, i am having a headache now, and symptoms of it too.

so far?
then good night and love~

btw heart palpitations happened to me before too, in fact it's been happening on me since junior high school, before it in primary school i passed out often.

anyway, so this means my heart has been overworking when i have heart palpitations, and it's lasted for.. decades, then it only becomes worse and worse, and i will die for heart failure?
but before it, i would suffer from the symptoms for long time, right?
then this is not a good choice.

yup i tried to make fun of it, and i am actually feeling tired, and headache.

just remembered, i got emotional once today and burst into tears all of a sudden, cuz i remembered dodo, i told her lots of "i love you" every day, so i believe she must know thati do love her for real, even i made mistakes when taking care of her but that was the first time i had the chance to actually take care of a living life, i never mean to hurt her, and i believe she understood it, that's why she's coming back to me. i dont know where i learned this or i figured it out myself, if you keep talking to your pets, treating them as a creature with ability of independent thinking, then this kinda love helps them to upgrade to their next incarnation, i did keep doing it, and i hope dodo would become a creature with the power to decide their life, even not with me.
i do love her, really much.

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