#每日一善[超话]#[太阳]#阳光信用# [举手]#每日一善#

This study conducted an in-depth exploration into the rationality of the geographical adjacency aspect of fixed asset investment (FAI) allocation across various districts in Guangzhou city. Based on the complex and changing economic environment, the FAI distribution behind Guangzhou's economic resilience was analyzed. Advanced algorithms were employed to verify the rationality of FAI allocation in terms of geographical adjacency, providing profound insights into the economic development of Guangzhou.
A regional layout optimization problem with adjacent soft constraints was created. Through four different mechanisms of tabu search, including the tabu simulated annealing layout optimization algorithm, the geographical adjacency was comprehensively analyzed. These relationships were visually displayed through charts.
An economic indicator that integrates GDP, permanent resident population, total retail sales of social consumer goods, and FAI was constructed. The data was normalized using range standardization, and weights were determined using gradient boosting trees and PCA. On this basis, a mathematical programming model was established, with the predicted economic indicator as the objective function and the redistribution of district FAI as decision variables, following the principles of sum constraint and gradual progress.
To test the rationality of FAI allocation in 2022, a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network model was constructed, and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm was used to analyze big data to achieve ideal FAI allocation. For the 2023 test, model improvements were made to adapt to the decrease in initial values caused by the decline in FAI in some districts. Based on the MLP Differential Evolution algorithm, the newly proposed Kepler Optimization Algorithm (KOA) in 2023 was introduced. Analogous to the influence of gravity on planetary motion, Differential Evolution was used to simulate the interaction between individuals. Steps such as mass calculation, gravitational calculation, acceler


Title page is decorated with a lot of flowers
Cranes from Quick Lessons in Simplified Drawing
Mitsukuni Defying the Skeleton Spectre Invoked by Princess Takiyasha
Masculine wave
Femenine wave
Ceiling of Ganshoin temple at Obuse
Carp leaping up a cascade
A colored version of the Big wave
Street scenes newly pubished
Five fans
Street scenes newly pubished
The waterfall of Amida behind the Kiso Road
Hawk on a ceremonial stand
Irises and Grasshopper
Ōnmyo Imoseyama
Inside the Courtyard of the Toeizan Temple at Ueno

Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Storyline: The clone special unit called "The Bad Batch" consists of clones with helpful side effects, such as super strength, make their way through the newly founded empire and trying to find out why all clone troops, except themselves, opposed their Jedi generals.

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  • 看到有人说“我没有在羽生结弦最美好的年纪遇见他,但却在我最好的年纪,我遇见了他.”如果时光可以倒流,再让他选择一次自己的人生,他一定还会义无反顾的选择在冰上翩翩
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