2024.1.12《like i do》https://t.cn/A6HzLZ60
2024.2.9新歌《shield(留在我身边)》上https://t.cn/A6YGNGVL 下https://t.cn/A6HzLZ6N
2024.3.19《you need a hug》https://t.cn/A6HzLZ6o
2024.3.21《look at me》https://t.cn/A6TwgNxe
2024.3.23《back it up》https://t.cn/A6HzLZ6j
2024.4.5 https://t.cn/A6HzLZ6u

May 5, 2024

Rachel Rachel,

How are you doing? Did you do anything fun during the Spring?

I hung out with my friends Kasey and Zoe today. It’s Somerville Open Studio this weekend, an art festival that every artist open the door of their studio and welcome people to visit. You can see their works/work-in-progress, talk to artists, and enjoy some community gatherings.

The weather today is so good, and you can see people walking on the streets, holding maps, and looking for artists’ studios, like a Scavenger Hunt game! I really wanna share the vibe with you, so I will put the map in the package :-) just want to share a little bit of excitement haha. There is even a trolley running around the community, so cute! But I didn’t see it :-(

I saw the mushroom and thought of you telling me that your parents named you with the name of a mushroom haha. It’s made by an artist through crochet. Hope it could bring you some comfort.

Then I saw this card, hand-drawn by another artist. The color and shape remind me of my childhood drawings a lot! And it is a dog in flowers. I guess Rachel will like it!

Rachel, this festival reminds me of Oberlin’s Asian Night Market, Big Parade, and Doggie Doo so much. So many great people, stuff, food, ideas, and love.


表示 我们女生男生在交往时候 经常吵架怎么办?我们女生可以经常和自己男朋友聊天解决吵架问题 比如是实质问题 我们女生可以和自己男朋友聊一下是什么事情问题 这样可以解决比较多的事情问题 自然就会解决情感问题了 因为情感是实质问题 才能解决的 比如我们女生做了那些不好的事情 让男朋友生气了 就会影响到情感 出现问题 这样自然就会解决情感问题 非实质问题 我们女生可以在交往时候 可以直接用做的一带而过 自然就会解决问题了 也不会吵架了 我们男生约会女朋友 女朋友生气了 怎么解决?我们男生可以直接约会女朋友去喜欢的店铺买喜欢吃的东西 这样的一带而过 自然就会解决情感问题了 实质问题 我们男生可以在放假的时候 和自己女朋友聊一下(什么问题让女朋友爱理不理我们男生的) 自然就会解决情感问题了 我们女生/男生情感问题 就是这些生气了 没有实质性解决情感问题 就会真的生气 得经常抱抱/亲一下 比如经常亲亲的情侣 突然不给亲了 就会有情感问题 只能抱抱问一下是什么事情 自然就会解决情感问题了表达表现.

frequent quarrels:
What should we do if girls and boys often quarrel when we are dating?We girls can often chat with our boyfriends to resolve quarrels, such as substantive issues. We girls can chat with our boyfriends about what the problem is. In this way, we can solve more problems and naturally solve emotional problems, because emotions are substantive issues. For example, when we girls do bad things that make our boyfriends angry, it will affect our emotional problems. This will naturally solve the emotional problems and non-substantive problems. We girls can just use it when we are dating and just ignore it naturally. We can solve the problem and we won’t quarrel anymore. How do we solve the problem when our boy is dating his girlfriend and his girlfriend is angry?We boys can directly date our girlfriends and go to our favorite stores to buy food we like. This will naturally solve the emotional problems and substantive issues. We boys can chat with our girlfriends during the holidays (what problems make my girlfriend love Ignore us boys) The emotional problems will naturally be solved. The emotional problems of us girls/boys are these. When we are angry and do not substantively solve the emotional problems, we will become really angry and hug/kiss often. For example, a couple who often kisses suddenly stops. If you are kissed, you will have emotional problems. You can only hug and ask what is going on, and the emotional problems will naturally be solved. Express your expression.

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