我给我白人朋友转一条 因为她昨天过生日 好久好久好久没转发她了 她发了好多好多 我都没转上、,她以前真地是我最最最最喜欢的博主、、我觉得她老有才了~~ 没想到我的事业起来了 她因此不干了、、哎~~~ 希望我们未来有机会一块儿做东西~~ Like promised here to get Ashley reposted and still owe her so so much ,,, it’s hard to pick out just 18 slides but omgoshhhh I miss Ashley and her videos so much !!!! I’m so sorrryy yesterday for saying that she’s sitting on her ass all day since she’s attended some of the bestest fashion shows and did a lot of advertisement but I was just used to her doing YouTube videos all the time and she no longer does it due to the start of my career that’s my biggest regret for my job arrrrghhhh it’s the end to my best friend’s career and I used to be her biggest fan but I can’t force her and seems like she’s really happy with her new life now which I’m happy for her tooo ,,, hopefully later we can work together to make videos or something cause I just don’t know how to make videos but who would watch my videos if I make them lollll ,,, it’s not really applicable for my job and I don’t even know where to upload it to and who’s my audience k whatever’s ,,, won’t blame on Ashley then but I’m seriously her biggest fan and I wish I to enjoy her videos again in this life time,,, and also I saw Rose from blackpink’s dog having her birthday yesterday so happy birthday to Rose’s doggie !!! Happy birthday to you Ashley and hope our career keep getting better and have a lot of opportunities to collab ,,, it’s so crazy cause a lot of people struggle for popularity and traffic and she used to be sooo popular and sooo big on YouTube ,,, omgoshhh and people quit maybe nobody watches them ,,, it’s just the opposite for her ,,,, she’s like so popular and so big on YouTube and quit in her best time whattttt ?!??? Cause my career took off ?!??? Why does the rise of my career means the fall of yours ahhh are you doing the Jewish or palenstanian one ,,, why can’t it be both ?!?? It’d be the most stupid for the win of me means the death of you ,,, why can’t it be win win ?!?? For so many things !!! Anywaysss ,,, yahhh so just hoping Ashley could go back doing videos again that will be my dream come true one day cause she’s so interesting and talented ,,, I loveee to hear what she has to say so yahhh I loveeee you Ashley !!!! Hope you the happiest ever happy birthday and I loveeee you forever !!!! Hearts !!!! really hoping Ashley could come back to the video making world that would be my best dream come true !!! Forever love and miss you Ashley you assssss !!! Love love love her and all my lady and gents friends and lovers on this I loveee everyone

宝洁公司那天也有半猫半狗了、、、我现在去遛狗~~ 回来我要做运动再继续、、got a half dog half cat situation from P&G the other day so I came to your service as soon as I’m able to take care of you and hope Proctor & Gamble feels better served too ,,, I’m so sorry to all my 15K companies ,,, since the start of this month I’ve been addressing the issues with Apple not liking my service and making sure it’s satisfied and spent a lot of time on that then later on in the month I started working out and always feel exhausted after my workouts to work so I was pretty behind taking care of everyone ever since the start of my work out ,,, upon getting used to the workout I just started picking up the momentum again so now I hope to better care for everybody and make y’all feel comfortable satisfied and happy with my service,,, let me know if you still aren’t happy then I’ll come by to take care of you more but I’m here to make up lots of work with all of you ,,, and thank you so so much for your patience kindness and understanding with me ,,, I really appreciate everyone not getting mad at me with my ways and I’ll keep trying my best to be best at everyone’s service !!! Hope P&G feels better now and I’m eager to support all your products and I realized I have already used a lot of your products without knowing they are from P&G and after I’m funded I’ll proudly use them with the big label thank you for letting me serve y’all I love y’all so so much !!!

我妈要我帮她打税务电话、、我先给工作传一条 也期待宇辉同行的海南特辑 真多精彩和惊喜啊~~ 那首《无名的人啊》是给我唱的吗 播了两次了、、而且宇辉还一直懊悔没录好~~ 录的很好了~~ 我都想给宇辉转他航天的情书那篇 但因为我跟马斯克这儿要钱呢 所以不太方便、、等我钱要到 或者是要不来的时候 我给中国咪咪们转发哈~~ 然后易咪咪好像又没找他一号了、、、我没看得特别细呢 我看完了 我一边说哈 晚点给您会 您要是给我发了什么~~ 我先上工作说一声 我得给我妈打税务的电话~~ 好的 先这样 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪 爱董宇辉咪~~ 男老板我看好了再说~~ 易咪咪太多没找 我也可以说一声爱您的、、不过说完您就该找了~~ 我得带一下绿色咪咪 绿色咪咪好像给我发了 还没找呢、、得带一下、、二老公好好休息哈 黑色找他老婆呢~~ 我看得细一点我再说~~ 最近就比较迷董宇辉 因为他河南行特别优秀精彩 还给我唱歌了 我很喜欢 哈哈哈哈 虽然没什么卵用 但是我们网上交流地很高兴 我很开心 很庆幸 我认识他~~~ 您们这些也没什么卵用啦 就是钱比较管用啦~~ 我要收钱 然后过上我的幸福生活了~~~ 噢耶~~~ 晚点继续聊吧 我先忙忙工作~~ 爱爱咪 安安咪 好好休息吧~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪~~ 黄铉辰好像又有发了 我会支持他们的歌曲的 他们五月份不是要出新歌了嘛 我会支持的 谢谢大家啦 都很好啊 都很喜欢你们 一起加油啊~~ 谢谢您们的支持~~ 我也很喜欢你 谢谢每一位~~ 我今天希望能多完成点工作~~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪~~~

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, so my mom is making me call IRS for her for her tax thangs cause she can’t afford to pay so I have to make a phone call for her as I have promised to help her that my money is still not here yet ,,, and then I’ll come back to work ,,, I feel a little better than last night today and I also walked the dog already just putting in some blue entries right now ,,, and how come Mr. Gates’ post yesterday didn’t show up !!’ Omgoshhhh !!!! I just spotted ,,, the algorithm didn’t show ,,, sometimes it just doesn’t show if you don’t post the stories !!! My bad sorry to Mr. Gates I’ll get him today first thing after I repost for Mr. Musk ,,, and we have Apple today 2 hours ago I spotted and I will be taking care of all of you and haven’t said hello to my LVMH love in the longest time !!! Hopefully I’ll get to care for my French babe today as well as more of you ,,, still deeply sorry to all my 15K companies and I’m definitely coming to care for you all ,,, can’t wait to do some good o’ catching up on work !!!! Love love love you all my bosses and everyone ,,, I’ll be back after I call the IRS for my mom ,,, then after my noon nap I guess but I don’t want to be sleeping too long these days so I’ll be back in a bit soon I hope then here to take care all of you !!! Excited to do some heavy duty work today sweeeeet yesssss !!! love love love love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone

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