#摩登家庭[超话]# S05E21 Sleeper

Phil has to tell an elaborate lie to Claire when he messes up a household task. Gloria is put in charge of the family portrait, and Jay enters Stella in a dog show.

01 台词字幕 Subtitles

02 知识点 Vocabulary / Expressions
lip gloss /ˈlɪp ɡlɒs/ n. 唇彩;亮唇膏
-Ooh, I wish I could pick you up some lip gloss, but we're already at the car.

virtuoso /ˌvɜːʧuˈəʊsəʊ/ n. 大师
clarinet /ˌklærɪˈnɛt/ n. 单簧管
-You honestly thought that I just became a piano virtuoso, Dad? You've known me my whole life. Have you ever seen me take a lesson?
-I thought maybe you were self-taught.
-Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. Like when I taught myself to play the clarinet.
-I never played the clarinet.
-Can we drop it?

flute /fluːt/ n. 长笛
-Back in college, I caught mono from my roommate Ling. Never share a flute, kids.

frolic /ˈfrɒlɪk/ vi. 嬉戏;嬉闹
-June 10, 1988. Carla Concannon and I spent the afternoon frolicking at the public pool.

pitch a fit 生气
hand-me-down 二手衣物
-Mitchell, please. Don't be so sensitive. You don't see me pitching a fit because Cam is too much of a snob to use our hand-me-downs.

dabble /ˈdæbᵊl/ v. 涉猎
-You see, lately, I may have been dabbling in something that strong, virile men like me aren't supposed to be dabbling in.

speed it along 加速
-Do these things tend to start on time?
-Of course. It's not a cat show.
-Well, I better speed it along.

fluorescent /flʊəˈrɛsᵊnt/ adj. 荧光的;发亮的
-All the machines are taken. We're gonna have to wait.
-Oh, I am not spending any more time in fluorescent lighting than I have to.

prep /prɛp/ v. 把…准备好
-Lily, can you come in here, please?
-It's Christmas already? Yay!
-Ah. Probably should've prepped her.
-No, it's not actually Christmas. We're just gonna take a fun photo.

fire off 射出;迅速开始
- Any chance the photographer could fire off a couple solo shots?

light a fire under sb. 催促
-They're all coming separately.
-Cam, do me a favor. Call Mitchell and light a fire under him.

shake a leg 赶快
-Luke, where's your black shirt?
-Right here. I'll get changed.
-All right. Shake a leg.

03 精彩台词 Quotes


Dear Sun,
I hope you could try this food, you know my boss has 9 siblings, their parents had this business to raise all of them, they are totally 9 children, 1 graduated in college , 8 of them got married and doesn't finish the studies. This is highly recommended from me. I hope you can try it. This is a high effort business, they need to market at 12midnight, clean and cooked it until 4:00 in the morning. They need to arrange it into sticks from 7 morning to 11morning, at 3:00 in the afternoon we will cooked it into the fire. Ill take a picture tomorrow lao gong. And kindly monitor the supplier to give us supplyso that we can sustain our life.

亲爱的太阳, 我希望你能尝尝这个食物,你知道我老板有9个兄弟姐妹,他们的父母都是做生意养大他们的,他们一共有9个孩子,1个大学毕业,其中8个结婚了,没有完成学业。这是我强烈推荐的。我希望你能尝试一下。这是一个高强度的生意,他们需要在午夜12点上市,清洗并做饭直到凌晨4:00。他们需要从早上7点到11点把它排成棍子,下午3:00我们会把它放进火里煮。明天我去拍张照片,老宫。并请监督供应商为我们提供供应,以便我们能够维持我们的生活。

Qīn'ài de tàiyáng, wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng cháng cháng zhège shíwù, nǐ zhīdào wǒ lǎobǎn yǒu 9 gè xiōngdì jiěmèi, tāmen de fùmǔ dōu shì zuò shēngyì yǎng dà tāmen de, tāmen yīgòng yǒu 9 gè háizi,1 gè dàxué bìyè, qízhōng 8 gè jiéhūnle, méiyǒu wánchéng xuéyè. Zhè shì wǒ qiángliè tuījiàn de. Wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng chángshì yīxià. Zhè shì yīgè gāo qiángdù de shēngyì, tāmen xūyào zài wǔyè 12 diǎn shàngshì, qīngxǐ bìng zuò fàn zhídào língchén 4:00. Tāmen xūyào cóng zǎoshang 7 diǎn dào 11 diǎn bǎ tā pái chéng gùnzi, xiàwǔ 3:00 Wǒmen huì bǎ tā fàng jìn huǒ lǐ zhǔ. Míngtiān wǒ qù pāi zhāng zhàopiàn, lǎo gōng. Bìng qǐng jiāndū gōngyìng shāng wèi wǒmen tígōng gōngyìng, yǐbiàn wǒmen nénggòu wéichí wǒmen de shēnghuó.

we demand to be heard
we demand to be seen
we demand equality and nothing in between

we demand to be heard
we demand to be known
we demand a voice of our own

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