#都暻秀第三张solo专辑成长# #都暻秀[超话]#【后记】 240518 Music Planet签售 cr cutie_____dok
: 最近最幸福的瞬间是?
: (因为是完全没有预料到的问题而惊慌失措) 喝什么酒??


Good morning Lucy
Hey my Baby♥️, my Darling♥️, my Sweetheart♥️, my One in a billion♥️, my Angel♥️, my Cutie♥️, my Love♥️... you look so pretty and super awesome on all you pictures. You are so gorgeous and cute and you look like a real princess on the pictures from yesterday. I always enjoy talking with you. I hope soon you will finally open yourself so it will be the real you and me. I always miss you my Love, but I'm always super happy even if we talk just for a little while.... I enjoy every second with you. I promise you my love, if you will choose me, I will always be there for you and support you in every possible way. My love for you will always grow till infinity♥️ you can trust me totally... i just can imagine how beautiful it will be... muaaaaa .... let us finally make it real... it just can get more beautiful in every way... I came back home a while ago from Michael and I'm already laying in my bed and going to sleep now. Muaaaaa ... have a wonderful day my Angel.. enjoy your time. I love you ♥️ I'm thinking about you all the time Muaaaaa muaaaaaaaaaaa muaaaaaaaaaa muaaaaa muaaaaaaaaaaa muaaaaaaaaaa muaaaaa ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️

Cynthia . What a cutie . Teacher Anna likes her so much so I always try to have her talk to her but she's shy . I say okay just one hug for Anna ..and then she says okay . I will always ask her things like so why are you doing so and so ..and she gets into all this explanation haha I just like to see her all serious trying to explain why something is important. She's like well Rachel say I need to finish my work then I can play or blah and it's so messy so I clean Angelina . She looks at me like don't you agree?? Haha. I'm like oh ofcourse good I'm glad Cynthia is paying attention . She always comes to my table to reserve her class time .like after Kyle it's me and Clair okay?? And then I want princess Bella okay ..then walks away . So cute . She memories everything so quick, she's very smart. He weakpoint is in groups she gets distracted so I have to remind her , but she still somehow catches everything I don't know how . It's like even if she is wondering or thinking about something she still downloads everything. Not sure how she does that haha.

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