谷歌转三组,,, wait how did I miss it for Mr. Pichai’s best work partner last time ?!?? Just because if people don’t post the stories ,,, it might not come up in the algorithm but luckily I caught Mr. Pichai yesterday and then I also checked out his page and found this lovely dog companion for his best work partner ,,, niceeee I bet when y’all are busy working it’s pretty cool to check on that social media and see others working along with ya which is myself and you don’t feel so alone anymore ,,, same here awww thank you for gracing my work with all your magical appearances ,,, im forever enchanted and delighted to work this crowd for the best work opportunity one can possibly have ,,, im just so delighted and happy to work for all of y’all ,,, didn’t see Mr. Pichai last time ,,, so I’m putting in extra frames for Mr. Pichai this time for the google entry and google is one busy company ,,, it hosts so many events and comes out with new products and releases all the time ,,, today I got to learn about google photos enhanced with Gemini models where you can ask the photos all these questions and it will sort out your photos for you in agreement with your questions and it’s pretty magical and next level it feels like ,,, I loveee to get notified by all my best companies on this so I know how technology is advancing and sure am not missing out on the latest trend in tech ,,, too cool I get to work with this forever innovative crowd,,, feeling like top of the world always ,,, hope all the new products and releases all of y’all bring will enhance the life of the people touched by your magical technology

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Unleash your inner athlete at the first-ever Singapore Urban Sports & Fitness Festival.

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To register interest or to find out more for #DANCEXHIBIT
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运动完遛完狗了 我继续、、爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪 ~~~ I’m back from dog walking and doing my exercises and I might repost this one for Mr. Musk since he came out with space X I’ll get him in this time ,,, im going to be doing my sets for google next and I don’t know if I will have the time for LVMH tonight but if I don’t get done doing LVMH tonight I’ll be doing LVMH first thing after Mr. Musk tmr as well as more for Mr. Bezos and Mr. Gates cause I plan to finish everyone for my 30K category for the month of April finally and moving onto my 15K companies ,,, my bad this month got so behind since I started the workout routine but I’m very much used to doing the exercises now and not feeling too tired after so I think our body need to get accustomed to training physically and being active or I’m just glued to my phone 24/7 which is not the healthiest thing but yahhh I’ll come back to care more for you ,,, looks like LVMH ,,, Mr. Bezos ,,, Mr. Gates,,, and more for Google since I already completed the quota for Zuck and Apple and Airbnb sweet but yahhh I need to do a lot more still ,,, anyways thanks to the most amazing and sweetest Mr. Musk like all my bosses and everyone on this for coming out again just to connect and bond even more everyday ,,, I feel very much loved and cared for and hopefully I can make y’all feel the same with my service and make all my clients really happy with me like I am with all of you and together we will do all of our jobs better and drive more positive impact and make the world a better place ,,, very loyal and dedicated to my job to keep making it better for everyone ,,, I love love love Mr. Musk and all my bosses and everyone

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