
Love is talent, the world loves metaphor.
Aflame, October’s leaves adore the wind,
its urgent breath, whirl to their own death.
Not here, you’re everywhere.

The evening sky
worships the ground, bears down, the land
yearns back in darkening hills. The night
is empathy, stars in its eyes for tears. Not here,

you’re where I stand, hearing the sea, crazy
for the shore, seeing the moon ache and fret
for the earth. When morning comes, the sun, ardent,
covers the trees in gold, you walk

towards me,
out of the season, out of the light love reasons.

ON THE LIST Gathering Night
presented by . Tonight, we’re here, in the one of most iconic youth culture spot in Shanghai, in the name of NikeSB, using subculture to redefine the mainstream, which shows a youth culture in a way that holds a mirror up for mainstream culture to see something of themselves. Today, the new generation, led by the likes of Leo Baker, Nyjah, Yuto, Rayssa, Sky Brown, and Chen Ye, our GC’s Nike Skater… They’re redefining the sport and culture on their own terms, opening the door to anyone who’s brave enough to get on a board, on the list. Thx for the team to make it happen, before some new roles are announced. ps: when the police were coming, it was meaning something. ✨ https://t.cn/AiYWmJ6g

god forgive me for i have sinned in finding beetlejuice/30 rock star so hot here omg (holland taylor was also innit you don't wanna miss this) the title (such a turnoff but you can't go wrong with a cast like this) fooled me into assuming it was some julianne moore hugh grant collaboration stuff but it was so much more and when i thought no other could top the 80s kevin bacon's unmatched charm dude here had barely ten mins screen time and his character functioned merely a plot device to prop up kb's coming of age arc structurally however he managed to basically hijack the movie by three times breaking into the lives of a couple and seducing them one by one and elizabeth mcgovern's performance was just so nuancedly heartbreaking to tell all the untold truth of her denial towards their mutual attraction

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