#外教猥亵儿童案一审宣判#【青岛红黄蓝万科城幼儿园外教猥亵儿童案一审宣判:被告人获刑5年驱逐出境】2019年8月2日,青岛市崂山区人民法院一审公开宣判青岛市市北区红黄蓝万科城幼儿园外教猥亵儿童案,以猥亵儿童罪,判处被告人马约格·何瑞迪·丹尼尔·奥斯瓦尔多(英文名:MAYORGA HEREDIA DANIEL OSWALDO)有期徒刑五年,驱逐出境。


法院经审理认为,被告人利用教师的特殊身份,在公共场所当众对儿童进行猥亵,其行为构成猥亵儿童罪。法院依法从严惩处,遂作出上述判决。(半岛记者 孙桂东)

#行业洞察# 无线技术、SD-WAN和智能网络管理工具是将在2019年影响网络社区的顶级技术。 “2019年将成为企业网络变革的一年,”思科企业网络业务高级副总裁Anand Oswal表示,“网络运营商需要支持更高设备密度和数据吞吐量的系统,他们将从网络本身获得有关其基础设施使用的新分析。由于集中管理工具和机器智能的改进,网络人员将变得更加高效。“

MONDAY NOV 19, 2018

Haveli is a traditional townhouse or mansion in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh, usually one with historical and architectural significance. The word haveli is derived from Arabic hawali, meaning "partition" or "private space" popularised under Mughal Empire and was devoid of any architectural affiliations.

We visited 3 havelis (mansions) in Jaisalmer.

1. Nathmal Ji ki Haveli

This late-19th-century haveli, once used as the prime minister’s house, is still partly inhabited. It has an extraordinary exterior, dripping with carvings, and the 1st floor has some beautiful paintings using 1.5kg of gold leaf. The left and right wings were the work of two brothers, whose competitive spirits apparently produced this virtuoso work – the two sides are similar, but not identical. Sandstone elephants guard the entrance.

2. Patwon ki Haveli

The Patwon Ji (Patwas family, an Oswal Jain merchant) ki Haveli is an interesting piece of Architecture and is the most important among the havelis in Jaisalmer. This is precisely because of two things, first that it was the first haveli erected in Jaisalmer and second, that it is not a single haveli but a cluster of 5 small havelis. The first among these havelis was commissioned and constructed in the year 1805 by Guman Chand Patwa and is the biggest and the most ostentatious. It is believed that Patwa was a rich man and was a renowned trader of his time. He could afford and thus ordered the construction of separate stories for each of his 5 sons. These were completed in the span of 50 years. All five houses were constructed in the first 60 years of the 19th century.

The havelis are also known as the 'mansion of brocade merchants'. This name has been given probably because the family dealt in threads of gold and silver used in embroidering dresses. However, there are theories, which claim that these traders made considerable amount of money in Opium smuggling and Money-lending.

You can find a good amount of paintings and mirror-works on the wall. The other important aspects are its gateways and arches. You will notice individual depictions and theme on each and every arch. Although the whole building is made yellow sandstone, the main gateway of the Patwon Ji ki Haveli is in brown color.

3. Salem Singh Ki Haveli

Salim Singh ki haveli has been built on the remains of an older haveli built in the late 17th century. The new building was built in the year 1815 and was occupied by the Mehta family of Jaisalmer. They were the most influential family of their time. This haveli was commissioned by Salim Singh, the then Prime Minister of the kingdom when Jaisalmer was the capital.

The haveli has a distinct architecture. The roof has been constructed in the form of Peacock. The haveli is situated beside the hills near the Jaisalmer Fort. People claim that Salim Singh made two additional floors in order to make it as high as the fort but the Maharaja did not take this attempt in good spirit. He ordered the extra floors to be torn down. Nevertheless we do not find enough evidence to corroborate the story.

Like other havelis in Jaisalmer, this too has tuskers guarding the gateways. These are made of sand stones and look very close to the original in appearance. The haveli consists of as many as 38 balconies and they all have distinct designs for themselves. The front facet of the haveli resembles ship stern and thus this haveli is also sometimes referred as Jahazmahal.

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