【补档】240229 WVS更新post&sophia回复
hello, my loves!! ❤️
how has the month been for y’all? is it just me or did it go by so quick?! On valentine’s day, I made cute little goodie bags for each of my members with silly personalized poems in them. I’ve also been making towers of pancakes with different fruits for them, it’s this month’s fave!! I treated myself with a candle wax warmer too! I’ve been wanting one for so long, it makes me feel so calm & my room smell amazing. I’ve been getting my nails done too & just looking at them from time to time as my dopamine.
I’m so glad y’all are still checking up on us, I love seeing all you tag me in & your posts on Weverse! Please continue to tune in!!!And thanks for sticking around, we are working sooooo hard for you guys. It’s been real exciting. I love you all so much!! MWAHHH!!
sophia ❤️

我很高兴你们还在关注我们,我喜欢看到你们在Weverse上给我加标签!请继续收听!!感谢大家的支持,我们一直在为你们努力工作。这真的很令人兴奋。我太爱你们了!!MWAHHH ! !

【补档】240101 WVS post&sophia回复
I wish I could give back all the love I’ve been receiving all day. You’ve made me feel so special. I hope y’all know how much you mean to me too Thank you for the birthday greetings ☺️ Let’s enter the new year happy & healthy with open arms!!

我希望我能够回馈我得到的所有爱。是你们让我变得特别,我希望你们都能知道你们对我来说也是特别的 谢谢你们的生日祝福☺️让我们幸福快乐地迎接新的一年!!

#ApoNattawin[超话]#搬运泰妃的翻译 [Explanation]
This is my understanding from listening full livestream. Pond said he just realized that he is a Y-guy( a man who is a BL content fan)and he is successful on his series/content business becoz he understand how Y-fans's feeling on this.

So along the livestream with his red face from alcohol drinks, Pond was teasing with cp fans about BL topics, the coming series 4minutes of Jes and Bible etc. Then there are some cp fans ask about breaking up of Mile-Apo.

So Pond start questioning why someone always teasing about breaking up plot why some ppl like this kind of sad/hurt drama plot. so conversation in clip, they all are kidding each other and make a small argument about plot of breaking-up

Pond: someone talking about plot of breaking up becoz they want to see the couple return their relationship. But it sounds hurts on the way if couple breaking up then return.

Mile: It's not good.

Pond: It's not good.

Apo: good!

Mile: It's not good. Let's try this, you ask your parents break up....

Pond : HEY!!

Apo : (laughs a lot)

Mile : Aw! I just assume, seee, this is not a good thing (to bring it for teasing)

Pond: Mile , do you wanna talk with my mom?!!! ( voice tone is higher)

Mile: No, I mean (in reality) there is rarely couple they can return after breaking up.

Apo: I'm sleepy (gets up from sofa)

Pond: Oh,Po. U gonna leave now?Po say bye bye to fans

Apo: I sleepy. And becoz P'Mile's talk not plesant to our ears(regarding parents breaking up)

Pond: (talks to Mile) You deserved it

Mos : (talks to Mile) You deserved this!

Apo : No No No No, if you both really fighting, I dont want to be a trouble.

Note: entire talking is relax.
Sorry if my translation is not the same as others. But u can choose what u prefer.

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