Likhachyov Alexander #作品欣赏#
Bugatti 100 in the version of the light fighter of the Red Army Air Force at a scale of 1:72.

Of course, this is what-if. This beautiful plane never had a chance to take to the skies, and many foreign fans of the "alternative history" genre are trying to give it a virtual life. I also did not pass by this topic, and decided to make my own version of the fighter. I figured out the layout and realized that it would be ideal to increase the geometric dimensions of the entire airframe by about 30%, then it would turn out to be a more interesting car, but I would have to work with what the manufacturer of the model gave me. The layout was estimated for two M-105 engines, a 37-mm ring-fed cannon in a conformal compartment under the fuselage and a ShKAS firing through the propeller hub.

What was done:
1. Modified the airframe - added licks and technological hatches and foil panels;
2. Modified the cockpit - reconfigured the dashboard, dividing it into three parts, changed the position of the seat, added a sight, belts and more. The main task was to improve forward-upward visibility;3. Changed the VMG - put VISH-105 propellers for M-105 engines;
4. Armament - 37-mm Sh-37 cannon in a conformal compartment with a ring feed (projectile belt in the form of a ring inside the fuselage of the MiG-21 type) and ShKAS in the nose with a cartridge box. According to my estimates, it turned out to be 36 rounds for the 37 mm gun and 100 shots for the ShKAS. There are questions about the overcomplicated assembly of the propeller group and the placement of the machine gun in it, but if you fantasize, then according to the most stoned scenario.

I painted the model in a fictional Soviet ceremonial livery based on real liveries of the 30s (like UT-1, I-16, TB-3). Such a beautiful glider is just a sin to paint green or gray. Decals from stocks.

The Bugatti 100 did not interest the French Air Force, so it is not so difficult to imagine that the license for this aircraft and its engine was acquired by the USSR - the decision is quite in the spirit of that time)
Bugatti 100 в варианте лёгкого истребителя ВВС РККА в масштабе 1:72.

Конечно же это what-if. Этому красивому самолёту так и не довелось подняться в небо, и многие зарубежные любители жанра "альтернативная история" пытаются дать ему виртуальную жизнь. Я тоже не стал проходить мимо этой темы, и решил сделать свою версию истребителя. Прикинул компоновку и понял, что идеально было бы увеличить геометрические размеры всего планера где-то на 30%, тогда получилась бы более интересная машина, но придётся работать с тем, что дал производитель модели. Компоновку прикинул под два двигателя М-105, 37-мм пушку с кольцевым питанием в конформном отсеке под фюзеляжем и ШКАС, стреляющий через втулку винта.

Что было сделано:
1. Доработал планер - добавил зализы и технологические лючки и панели из фольги;
2. Доработал кокпит - перекомпоновал приборную панель, разделив её на три части, изменил положение кресла, добавил прицел, ремни и прочее. Основной задачей было улучшить обзор вперёд-вверх;3. Изменил ВМГ - поставил винты ВИШ-105 под двигатели М-105;
4. Вооружение - 37-мм пушка Ш-37 в конформном отсеке с кольцевым питанием (снарядная лента в виде кольца внутри фюзеляжа по типу МиГ-21) и ШКАС в носовой части с патронным ящиком. По моим прикидкам получилось 36 выстрелов к 37-мм пушке и 100 выстрелов к ШКАСу. Есть вопросы к переусложнённому узлу винтомоторной группы и размещением в нём пулемёта, но раз фантазировать, то по самому упоротому сценарию.

Окрасил модель в вымышленную советскую парадную ливрею по мотивам реальных ливрей 30-х (вроде УТ-1, И-16, ТБ-3). Такой красивый планер просто грех красить в зелёный или серый. Декали из запасов.

Bugatti 100 не заинтересовал ВВС Франции, поэтому представить себе что лицензию на этот самолёт и его двигатель приобрёл СССР не так уж и сложно - решение вполне в духе того времени)

-- ?

Fox 2s (IR guided missiles) are meant for dogfights. They have limited range and come with the capability of being launched at high off bore sight with the help of Helmet mounted systems.

Today's aircraft have advanced flares which can mimicry the temperatures of aircraft engine in order to fool much smarter missiles along with the use of directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) which shines a laser on the IR seeker head to scram the IR guidance.

But there are three effective strategies used during dogfights to lessen the effectiveness of IR guided missiles:

Jamming the WEZ: Weapon Engagement Zone (WEZ) is the distance between the minimum and the maximum range where a weapon can be effectively deployed. If the distance can be closed so much so that the aircraft is far inside the minimum range of launch (min ranging), a launch would be useless as it is inside the minimum range of firing.

Smaller Turn radius (One Circle): One Circle is a nose to nose fight where both the aircraft try to get into the control zone of each other. Pulling a tighter smaller turn radius than that of the bandit in this situation gives an offensive advantage of getting a weapons solution faster while defensively denies the bandit a weapons solution as the nose hasn't come around fast enough.

Make the Sun your best friend: Sun is a far better IR source than your engine. If you manage to keep your back to the Sun, high probability is that the missile won't have a track.

All these have to be done while keeping in mind that the separation between two aircraft should be kept at a minimum, making sure that you are out of the enemy's nose (to avoid a gun solution) in combination with jinking and anticipatory pre launch of flares.

【唱片发行资讯】Avril Lavigne - Greatest Hits 精选集将于 6 月 21 日发布,现已可在 12 英寸黑胶唱片、CD 和数字格式上预订。请查看下方完整的曲目列表。

1. Sk8er Boi (Let Go/single - Arista 2002)
2. Girlfriend (The Best Damn Thing/single - RCA 2007)
3. What the Hell (Goodbye Lullaby/single - RCA 2011)
4. Complicated (Let Go/single - Arista 2002)
5. Don't Tell Me (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2004)

1. I'm A Mess (with Yungblud) (Love Sux Deluxe/single - Elektra/DTA 2022)
2. He Wasn't (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2005)
3. Losing Grip (Let Go/single - Arista 2003)
4. My Happy Ending (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2004)
5. Bite Me (Love Sux/single - Elektra/DTA/2021)

1. Nobody's Home (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2004)
2. I'm With You (Let Go/single - Arista 2002)
3. When You're Gone (The Best Damn Thing/single - RCA 2007)
4. Bois Lie (feat. Machine Gun Kelly) (Love Sux/single - Elektra/DTA 2022)
5. Smile (Goodbye Lullaby/single - RCA 2011)

1. Love It When You Hate Me (feat. blackbear) (Love Sux/single - Elektra/DTA 2022)
2. Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne/single - Epic 2013)
3. Here's To Never Growing Up (Avril Lavigne/single - Epic 2013)
4. Keep Holding On (The Best Damn Thing/"Eragon" soundtrack/single - RCA 2006)
5. Head Above Water (Head Above Water/single - BMG 2018)

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