#伦敦# 趁着阳光正好,漫步于伯灵顿拱廊,在全球唯一的Bollinger Burlington Bar享用2014年份经典款香槟La Grande Année,可以说是再惬意不过了。

本月最新发布的酒单中,不仅有限量版Bollinger B13白葡萄酒,也有被誉为如奶油蛋糕般香甜的Bollinger R.D.,采用传统勃艮第风格酿造的La Côte Aux Enfants亦能在此品尝。

不妨用一杯精致香醇的Delamain Cognac Pale & Dry搭配来自Marc Demarquette的奢华巧克力,开启明媚的夏日之旅吧。

✔️伯灵顿拱廊地址:51 Piccadilly, London, W1J 0QJ(Green Park Station步行五分钟)


【趣谈】Lana Del Rey 2011 年未发行歌曲《Serial Killer》 和《Paradise》制作人 Peter Ibsen(Neros) 在各大音乐平台上架歌曲官方音源。

Serial Killer
QQ 音乐:https://t.cn/A66Nrwxe

QQ 音乐:https://t.cn/A66NrZJj

2015 年,制作人 Peter Ibsen 助理在粉丝百科网站 LANAPEDIA 留言称,他们对歌曲泄露和现场表演的事情此前并不知情,希望能与 Lana 方面沟通。过去几年,Lana 曾演唱过这两首歌。在 YouTube 上,《Serial Killer》的自制视频已有超过数千万观看量,并且是 TikTok 的热门歌曲。据英国音乐版权公司 PPL,Peter Ibsen 是这两首歌的所有者。截至目前,双方并未就此事公开解释。

Sun settin‘ on Melrose Place, sweet serial killer
Sippin’ lemonade, baby u know I love the thrill of the rush
If I play my cards right… bar fight?

Um, hello hollywood
You been looking real good
You think that a pretty baby bad girl gone good
Could fit back into the Hills
I look good in heels
I was born to kill


Serial Killer

Wish I may, wish I might?
Find my one true love tonight
Do you think that it could be you?

If I pray really tight
Get into a fake bar fight
While I'm walking down the avenue

If I lay really quiet
I know that what I do isn't right
I can't stop what I love to do

So I murder love in the night
Watching them fall one by one they fight
Do you think you'll love me too, ooh, ooh?

Baby, I'm a sociopath
Sweet serial killer
On the warpath
'Cause I love you just a little too much
I love you just a little too much (much, much, much)

You can see me drinking cherry coke
Sweet serial killer
I left a love note
Said you know I love the thrill of the rush
Know I love the thrill of the rush (rush, rush, rush)

(You sent me right to heaven)
Sweet serial killer
(I guess I'll see you never)
Do it for the thrill of it all
Love you just a little too much, much
(You send me right to heaven)
Sweet serial killer
(I guess I'll see you never)
I love you just a little too much
Love you just a little too much, much

My black fire's burning bright
Maybe I'll go out tonight
We can paint the town in blue

I'm so hot, I ignite
Dancing in the dark and I shine
Like a light I'm luring you

Sneak up on you, really quiet
Whisper, "Am I what your heart desires?"
I could be your ingénue

I keep you safe and inspired
Baby, let your fantasies unwind
We can do what you want to do, ooh, ooh

Baby, I'm a sociopath
Sweet serial killer
On the warpath
'Cause I love you just a little too much
I love you just a little too much (much, much, much)

You can see me drinking cherry coke
Sweet serial killer
I left a love note
Said you know I love the thrill of the rush
Know I love the thrill of the rush (rush, rush, rush)

(You sent me right to heaven)
Sweet serial killer
(I guess I'll see you never)
Do it for the thrill of it all
Love you just a little too much, much
(You send me right to heaven)
Sweet serial killer
(I guess I'll see you never)
I love you just a little too much
Love you just a little too much, much

(Just have fun)
wanna play you like a Gameboy
(Don't want one) lost the thrill of the same toy?
La la, la la la, la la, la la lie down, down
(Just have fun)
wanna play you like a Gameboy
(Don't want one) lost the thrill of the same toy?
La la, la la la, la la, la la lie down, down, down

You can see me drinking cherry coke
Sweet serial killer
I left a love note
Said you know I love the thrill of the rush
Know I love the thrill of the rush (rush, rush, rush)

(You sent me right to heaven)
Sweet serial killer
(I guess I'll see you never)
Do it for the thrill of it all
Love you just a little too much, much
(You send me right to heaven)
Sweet serial killer
(I guess I'll see you never
I love you just a little too much
Love you just a little too much, much


Ooh, ooh. (What?)
Ooh, ooh. (That's dope)
Ooh, ooh. (What?)
Ooh, ooh

Love you like I never loved anyone
Keep me burnin' hot like the red, red sun
Want you like I never wanted anyone
You give it to me fast like free and fun

Every time with you
It feels like I'm in summer
I don't know why
Maybe cause you're so cool and keep it on the real
Like sugar, sugar, fly

Boy you're sweet like sugar cane
Make me feel alive again

I'm going down, down
Take you down to paradise
(Rock you like a real bad baby)
La, love, lick you like vanilla ice
(Lick you up and make you crazy)
Shut up, give me what you got
You can mend my heart, supersonic pop
We goin' down, down
Take you down to paradise

Want you like I never wanted anyone
Got a face like God and a bod' like drawn

Kiss you like I never kissed anyone
'Cause you keep it really rough like, oh my God

Every time with you I can tell it's forever
I don't know how
And even if it's not, you know I couldn't stop
You make my heart go pow

Coming down like pouring rain
You make me feel alive again

I'm going down, down
Take you down to paradise
(Rock you like a real bad baby)
La, love, lick you like vanilla ice
(Lick you up and make you crazy)
Shut up, give me what you got
You can mend my heart, supersonic pop
We goin', down down
Take you down to paradise
(How do you like that, baby?)

Down down, take you down to paradise
Down down, take you down to paradise

Ooh, ooh. Dope!
Ooh, ooh. That's sick!
Ooh, ooh. Dope!
Ooh, ooh. That's sick!
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Shut up, give me what you got
You can mend my heart, supersonic pop

I'm going down, down
Take you down to paradise
(Rock you like a real bad baby)
La, love, lick you like vanilla ice
(Lick you up and make you crazy)
Shut up, give me what you got
You can mend my heart, supersonic pop
Goin' down, down
Take you down to paradise

干货 | 如何用西班牙语和闺蜜吐槽遇见过的“奇葩”?(4)


Persona que viste mal; combina mal los colores o lleva ropa pasada de moda.

Se presentó con un pantalón a cuadros muy hortera.
需要注意的是hortera虽然是以a结尾,但阴阳同型 un hortera/ una hortera

Hortera, en su significado y denominación original, era el dependiente, mancebo, mozo o menestral empleado en el floreciente comercio de la burguesía madrileña del siglo XIX y primer tercio del XX. A partir de la década de 1970, el término se usó con tono peyorativo para designar al individuo que viste y se acicala de forma llamativa y sin gusto.
Hortera本意是 19 世纪到 20 世纪30年代资本贸易繁荣时期的马德里职员、工人、服务员或工匠。从 1970 年代开始,该词开始带有贬义色彩,指代穿着和打扮显眼却俗气的人。

pijo, pija

Persona sofisticada, que lleva ropa de marca o muy cara y siempre va a la última. 

Este bar está lleno de pijos, mejor nos vamos.
Siempre lleva ropa muy pija.


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