Every time I look up at the sky, I see nothing but tremendous nothingness, it feels like I would leap into a black hole which has been placed there for centuries waiting for a fateful encounter, then I keep falling and falling, until the wrinkles creep on me.

I know a part of me is shrinking and dying in pursuing of some kind of unreachable desire.

I worship, and I surrender.

My love for you has become more and more similar from the beginning.
My love for you can't be summed up in two sentences, but my love for you is all I have.
Choice is greater than effort. There are many opportunities to change your destiny in life, but sometimes. Your choice may be wrong.

"her robe is a cloud, her face a flower, her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew. Hey, is either the tip of earth's Jade Mountain, or a moon-edged roof of paradise. Hey, there's a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom, and a mist, through the heart, from the magical Hill of Wu. Hey, the palaces of China have never known such beauty, not even Flying Swallow with all her glittering garments. Hey, lovely now together, his lady and his flowers, lighten for ever the Emperor's eye. As he listens to the sighing of the far spring wind, the agarwood pavilion leans against the railing in the north. "

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  • 这TM就是和狼的血统非常近的犬种???
  • 很久没有看到如此清新脱俗的漫画了, 女孩子看了会沉默......
  • 近视眼的血泪史,十天十夜都说不完!
  • 别再说小学生坑队友了,你知道他们有多努力吗!
  • 生女儿要教会她的第一件事,当爹的也是操碎了心啊!
  • 23岁,你妈问你怎么还没有男朋友? ​​​​
  • 大概这就是传说中的尴尬到爆炸吧,不想活了!
  • 终于明白为什么不能让男朋友跟狗单独在一起了......
  • 第一次见到这么木讷的男朋友,哈哈哈哈笑岔气了!
  • 就让我沉迷吸猫,日渐消瘦!
  • 猫和老鼠主题曲演奏现场,全程跪着看完!
  • 这就是每天晚上洗头时候的我,一点都不夸张......
  • 给这幼儿园小朋友的情商跪了,撩妹套路十级啊!
  • 谈恋爱就是要互补,老子吃火锅,你吃火锅底料!
  • 关于异地恋,这是我见过的最甜的一个视频!
  • 恋爱中的反差萌,真是这世界上最萌的萌点!
  • 这可能是动物界最绿的鸟,当然是选择原谅!
  • 这就是得罪理发师的下场,怕了怕了......
  • Tfboys再遇解散危机?!《我们的少年时代》这是要搞事情呐~
  • 梅婷:被花心男狠踹、中年失婚又失金,最后活成了幸福本身的样子