Day 16
Stay up late, but not just because of the work. Hesitating what to wear tomorrow and trying some combinations on, I found a skirt and a blouse may look more proper to welcome a parent. There are still a lot of assignments undone. Well, just leave it alone. Good night [月亮]

No silver fluffs on willow trees
The shutting heart left no trace for me
Can you see birds heading east
No sun,no cloud,no rain just dream
Last flower withered in the wind
All the petals were engraved in your name
I invite my shadow to savor with me
Telling myself,your oath I believe
Now we know the world is not big enough for you or for me
Who blames the fate that won't set us free
Now we know the dream is big enough to hold you and hold me
In the name of love we'll never retreat
The screaming lark cried in silence
I found the light in your deep and dark gaze
Can you see the heaven weeps
No sun,no cloud,no rain just dream
We tried to find a way in maze
No in,no out no path at ease
We held high our swords to slay the darkness
Cause we believe the odds we can beat
Now we know the world is not big enough for you or for me
Who blames the fate that won't set us free
Now we know the dream is big enough to hold you and hold me
In the name of love we'll never retreat​
Now we know the world is not big enough for you or for me
Who blames the fate that won't set us free
Now we know the dream is big enough to hold you and hold me
In the name of love we'll never retreat​

As many as 30,000 people were expected to visit the in Phu Tho province, authorities said, to honour the 18 kings of the Hong Bang dynasty.
Visitors were met by guards offering free face masks and hand sanitizer before navigating the temple steps, measures that Do Thi Yen, 64, said were reassuring.
"The whole world is fighting the COVID-19 outbreak, but coming to this temple of Hung Kings, I found that the organisers have implemented very tight preventive measures," he said.

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