【中国#钓鱼岛数字博物馆英日文版上线运行#】China on Tuesday launched the English and Japanese versions of the digital museum of the Diaoyu Islands at www.diaoyudao.org.cn, a special website about the Diaoyu Islands. The English and Japanese services are based on the Chinese version of the digital museum, which was officially launched in October last year. The digital museum displays the legal and historical proofs that the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands belong to China and helps the international community further understand the indisputable fact that the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China's inherent territory. 2021年4月27日,中国钓鱼岛数字博物馆英、日文版在钓鱼岛专题网站(www.diaoyudao.org.cn)上线运行。该博物馆中文版于2020年10月3日正式开通,生动展示了钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿主权属于中国的法律和历史依据。钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国的固有领土,为使国际社会进一步了解这一无可争辩的事实,在原中文版本基础上,网站开通了英文版和日文版。

NYU Shanghai launches 1-million yuan scholarship for Chinese students
New York University Shanghai (NYU Shanghai) launched a new scholarship plan on Monday to recognize the achievements and potential of outstanding Chinese applicants to the university, according to the China News Service. The plan includes establishing the Lizhong Achievement Award, a one-million yuan (about $152,800) "full-ride" scholarship award covering the total cost of four years of study at NYU Shanghai.
NYU Shanghai is the first research-oriented university in China approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and jointly run by China and the United States. It is one of the gateway campuses in the global system of NYU with the right to confer degrees.
The award, named after Yu Lizhong, the founding president of NYU Shanghai, commences in the 2021-2022 academic year and will be distributed over four years to reward new undergraduates who display outstanding academic ability.
According to NYU Shanghai, all Chinese students admitted to Shanghai NYU will have a chance to win the award. Chinese students can automatically enter the scholarship assessment process without additional application. The award recipients will be selected based on the entirety of their application, including high school academic achievement and their performance during NYU Shanghai's Candidate Weekend, where Chinese applicants are rigorously evaluated on their language, critical thinking skills and China's national college entrance examination scores.
All Chinese students admitted to NYU Shanghai, including those who receive merit scholarships, can apply for need-based financial aid from the university in addition to China's national student loans and the National Endeavor Scholarship, China News Service reported.
This year, NYU Shanghai intends to extend final admissions offers to 251 Chinese students from among the 2,246 who applied to the Class of 2025. These students will join a roughly equal number of international students selected from over 16,000 applicants from 122 countries and regions. According to the university, NYU Shanghai also offers a series of financial aid, such as grants and student loans, to international freshmen.

【#贵州湄潭#:茶海碧连天 托起致富路】By tapping into the tea industry, Meitan county, in southwest China's Guizhou province, has embraced a period of renewed and vibrant growth. Known as a major county for tea business in Guizhou, Meitan has planted about 40,000 hectares of tea. 十多年来,#湄潭县#不断推进生态文明建设,从“退耕还茶”的实施到#新农村建设#,湄潭县的生态环境越来越好,青山碧水之间,村民们的腰包也鼓了起来。https://t.cn/A6cHthXo

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