
4.13 高门槛VNFC_B06连续签到179天
Wish the best for you
Our sunshine
Our sweet
Our hapiness
We always stand by you

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There is nothing more satisfying than learning
something new.
It spurs us on,fuels our inner flames of curiosity and motivates us to keep learning more.
Even so,it can be incredibly frustrating when we
want to find something out and we can't find the knowledge anywhere.
We can all remember spending hours in a library desperately searching for that one date or fact that would complete our work and failing.
I think that there's a key learning here:
It's better to live with a good question than a bad answer We benefit more from holding onto our curiosity than settling for an incomplete answer.
What questions have you recently had answere?

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A odontologia está de luto. É com muito pesar que comunicamos o falecimento do nosso querido Hugo José Trevisi em decorrência de complicações ao quadro de COVID-19. Além de um excelente mestre muito talentoso, também era um homem amoroso, bondoso e humilde. Sua dedicação e amor pela ortodontia ficam marcadas em nossa memória e em nossos corações.É com essa lembrança que nos despedidos desse grande homem. Homem que marcou tantas vidas e dividiu tanto conhecimento sempre será lembrado.Nossa gratidão a todas as orações. Contudo, neste momento, oramos para que Deus conforte e dê forças a todos os familiares, amigos e alunos. Eterno Dr. Hugo trevisi, descanse em paz. #luto .Orthodontics is mourning. It is with great sorrow that we inform the passing of our dear Doctor Hugo José Trevisi as the result of complications of COVID-19. In addition to being an excellent and very talented teacher, he was also a loving, kind and humble man. His dedication and love for orthodontics is marked in our memory and in our hearts. It is with this memory that we say goodbye to this great man. The man who marked so many lives and shared so much knowledge will always be remembered.Our gratitude to all prayers. However, at this time, we pray that God will comfort and empower all family members, friends and students.Eternal Dr. Hugo trevisi, rest in peace. #Mourning .La ortodoncia está de luto. Es con gran pesar que informamos del fallecimiento de nuestro querido Doctor Hugo José Trevisi como consecuencia de las complicaciones del COVID-19. Además de ser un maestro excelente y muy talentoso, también fue un hombre cariñoso, amable y humilde. Su dedicación y amor por la ortodoncia está marcado en nuestra memoria y en nuestro corazón.Es con este recuerdo que le decimos adiós a este gran hombre. El hombre que marcó tantas vidas y compartió tantos conocimientos siempre será recordado.Nuestro agradecimiento a todas las oraciones. Sin embargo, en este momento, oramos para que Dios consuele y fortalezca a todos los miembros de la familia, amigos y estudiantes.Eterno Dr. Hugo trevisi, descanse en paz. #Luto


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