
Prada Outdoor capsule collection|Prada于近日在全球各大城市布局全新 #PradaOutdoor# pop-up线下体验快闪店⛰️ 以聚焦自然百态,呈现趣致景观与四季轮转为概念,此次限时店铺分为花园(Garden)、海岸(Coast)以及山岭(Mountain)三个主题,其中花园(Garden)和山岭(Mountain)主题限时店分别在北京SKP南馆、西安SKP以及上海荣宅等地展出,有兴趣的朋友们不妨在6 月 13 日前去打卡



气象局的Ilana Cherny表示,维州在过去几天经历了一系列冷锋,最强的冷锋在周五晚上过境。




Cherny表示:“下午阵雨会缓解,我们预计阵雨将向East Gippsland收缩。”


上午4点30分,East Gippsland、West Gippsland和South Gippsland部分地区发布了破坏性大风天气警告,目前仍未解除。

预计平均风速为50至60公里/小时,在Bass Coast的最强阵风可能达到90至100公里/小时。

周五下午,当局对Buchan河和Snowy河(McKillops Bridge及下游河段)发布了小规模洪水预警。

另外,墨尔本东北方向的Mt Donna Buang山脉一夜降雪量达5厘米。上午9点的气温为零下2.6摄氏度,预计今天还会有阵雨。

【历史一刻!#我国首次火星探测任务着陆火星圆满成功#】The lander carrying China's first Mars rover has successfully touched down on the red planet early Saturday morning Beijing Time.
It is the first time China has landed a probe on a planet other than Earth.
Tianwen-1, consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of southern China's island province of Hainan on July 23, 2020. It was the first step in China's planetary exploration of the solar system, with the aim of completing orbiting, landing and roving on the red planet in one mission.
The name Tianwen, meaning Questions to Heaven, comes from a poem written by the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC). China's first Mars rover is named Zhurong after the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology, which echoes with the Chinese name of the red planet: Huoxing (the planet of fire).
The spacecraft entered the Mars orbit in February after a journey of nearly seven months through space, and spent more than two months surveying potential landing sites.
In the early hours of Saturday, the spacecraft began to descend from its parking orbit, and the entry capsule enclosing the lander and rover separated from the orbiter at about 4 a.m.
After flying for approximately three hours, the entry capsule hurtled toward the red planet and entered the Mars atmosphere at an altitude of 125 km, initiating the riskiest phase of the whole mission.
First, the specially designed aerodynamic shape of the entry capsule decelerated with the friction of the Martian atmosphere. When the velocity of the spacecraft was lowered from 4.8 km per second to about 460 meters per second, a huge parachute covering an area of about 200 square meters was unfurled to continue reducing the velocity to less than 100 meters per second.
The parachute and the outer shield of the spacecraft were then jettisoned, exposing the lander and rover, and the retrorocket on the lander was fired to further slow the speed of the craft to almost zero.
At about 100 meters above the Martian surface, the craft hovered to identify obstacles and measured the slopes of the surface. Avoiding the obstacles, it selected a relatively flat area and descended slowly, touching down safely with its four buffer legs.
The craft's plummet through the Martian atmosphere, lasting about nine minutes, was extremely complicated with no ground control, and had to be performed by the spacecraft autonomously, said Geng Yan, an official at the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the CNSA.
"Each step had only one chance, and the actions were closely linked. If there had been any flaw, the landing would have failed," said Geng. (Xinhua)

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