人生本就应该是黑白的,静默的,陌生的,疏离的,就像闷热的午后香烟跟咖啡混搭的滋味,就像那条波斯地毯,偶然与必然填充的人生,人们对于有意义的幻想,到头来不过指向无意义的渺茫和空旷。这大概就是“破执”的道理吧。——W.Y Music now【心情语录】#大理##大理余生客栈##网络主播吃播象群吃剩的菠萝#

「情報」w-inds. オンライン開催「日・ASEAN音楽祭」に参加!
將在6/5-6/11這一週,在音樂祭官方頻道播出參演者的message視頻以及music video~其他參演者包括EXILE,乃木坂46,以及ASEAN國家藝人。

w-inds.的MV為Beautiful Now和Times Has Gone兩首~~

(一開始還以為online live[允悲]原來是播MV)

I see you,It's so much different from our dad.-Where am IYou are not as strong as him!You see you now,Worry like a bitter gourd,We women don't understand,The big set you just said,But I've seen our dad work.If our dad is here,He must be talking and laughing,Not like you are now.When it comes, you know,You have to follow nature,When the water reaches the canal, it becomes,You have to take responsibility first,The total methodI see you,It's a lot worse than our dad.-Where am IYou are not as strong as him!You see you now,Worry like a bitter gourd,We women don't understand,The big set you just said,But I have seen our dad work.If our dad is here,He must be talking and laughing,Not like you are now.When it comes, you know,You have to follow nature,When the water reaches the canal, it becomes,You have to take responsibility first,There is always a way,Our father left so many talents for you,You are alone here worrying,You are not Zhang Zuolin,You are Zhang Hanqing.——"Young Marshal" 31

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