Meanwhile, Cheney also criticized McCarthy during the podcast interview for meeting with T…p in Mar-a-Lago after the January 6 Capitol riot.
She said she was “stunned” when she saw the pair had met and that she “could not imagine any justification for doing that.”
Cheney said T…p committed the “most dangerous” and “most egregious” violation of an oath of office of any president. She called McCarthy’s meeting with the former president “inexcusable.”
“And so the idea that a few weeks after he did that, the leader of the Republicans in the House would be at Mar-a-Lago, essentially, you know, pleading with him to somehow come back into the fold, or whatever it was he was doing, to me was inexcusable,” she said.
McCarthy and T…p both supported Cheney’s ouster and backed Stefanik as her replacement.

P1: 因为角度问题像是一只嘴里吃了两颗乒乓球柯大宝
P1:左喆关上柯大宝的眼睛protect her from 危险的狗狗诱惑gelato !
P3:吹到风就心情很好的柯大宝 盘算起来也带着大宝去了一些地方 看了一些风景 做过了汽车和单车 看到了其他有趣的狗狗/人 她的世界也因为我越来越丰富( I hope) 忽然觉得自己也害挺有成就感
P4: 在车里和大宝一起看到的云

Young Chinese woman wins praise for helping villagers increase their income by developing a local bee breeding industry
Yuan Xiaomei, a woman born after 1990, has recently won praise from Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, for her contribution to thickening the pockets of villagers through the development of a local bee-keeping business.
Yuan learned her beekeeping skills from the internet and books, as well as a number of experts. She encountered countless difficulties during the process of keeping the bees, not to mention having been stung by bees many times. However, all her arduous efforts eventually paid off, with the young woman securing sales revenues for her honey adding up to more than 200,000 yuan in 2019.
Yuan explained that word-of-mouth and live-streaming marketing helped her to generate more and more customers.
According to Yuan, in the past, when villagers were engaged solely in agriculture, their annual income was only about 10,000 yuan. But they can now earn as much as 70,000 to 80,000 yuan per year through the addition of honey production.
She still has many future plans, including providing training for more villagers and offering guidance for more people to enter into the apiculture industry, in this way supporting people to improve their lives. (People's Daily Online)

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