If you followed me for the last 2 weeks, from Turkey to Romania to Mexico. I spent 2 weeks outside of Belgium / Schengen Area just to be able to land in the USA and play the next shows. I had to print over 70 pages of paperwork for custom clearance but we are through! I was so stressed last night I barely slept but I’m finally here and I can’t wait to KICK IT OFF with lifeisbeautiful tomorrow in Las Vegas !! I’m so ready for the next 10 days and feeling blessed to be able to be here

如果你在过去的两周里关注我,从土耳其到罗马尼亚再到墨西哥。 我在比利时/申根区以外的地方呆了 2 周,只是为了能够降落在美国并表演下一个节目。 我不得不打印超过 70 页的文件以进行清关,但我们已经完成了! 昨晚我压力很大,我几乎睡不着,但我终于来了,我迫不及待地想明天在拉斯维加斯lifeisbeautiful 演出!! 我为接下来的 10 天做好了准备,很高兴能够来到这里

: Why did you choose https://t.cn/A6Il05Z8
PP: เพลงนี้เป็นเพลงแรกของบิวกิ้น เป็นเพลงที่พีรู้สึกว่าประทับใจในตัวเขามาก เหมือนว่าเป็นซิงเกิ้ลแรกของเขาด้วยในฐานะศิลปิน เขาต้องขึ้นไปร้องในงานแถลงข่าว คือเป็นเวทีแรกของเขา เราเห็นเขาร้องเพลงในงานโรงเรียนเวทีนี้เป็นเวทีแรกที่เขาต้องร้องกับคนอื่น ไม่ใช่งานโรงเรียน เราเห็นเขาทุกโมเมนต์ เห็นเขามือสั่นนั่งดูแล้วก็ร้องไห้อีกหนึ่ง
PP : Because it was Billkin's first single as an artist and I'm so proud of him. He had to live sing this song on My Ambulance Press Conference stage. It was his first time singing to the public. I saw all the moments that he was so excited. His hands were shaking. I even cried when I was seeing him singing on stage.

【四川泸县地震伤亡情况:3人死亡,3人重伤,85人轻伤】Three people were confirmed dead and dozens others were sent to hospital after a 6.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Luxian County of Luzhou City, Southwest China's Sichuan Province.
Among those hospitalized, three were seriously injured, according to the city's emergency management bureau.
China Earthquake Administration has dispatched a work team to guide on-site disaster relief work. A total of 890 commanders and fighters from nearby fire-fighting and rescue brigades have been mobilized, while another 4,600 rescue workers are on standby.
As of 8:30 a.m., the loss figures came in at -- 737 collapsed houses, 72 houses with serious damage, while 7,290 with damage to some extent.
Collapsed walls and houses were seen on the way to rain-battered Jiaming Township in the epicenter area. Electricity in most of the houses in the town has been suspended. Shelves of shops that fell off in the tremors, lay scattered along the street. Residents were seen cleaning up the cluttered scene.
Amid heavy rain in Fuji Township, rescue workers were going door to door searching for people in the damaged houses and moving them to temporary shelters. At the shelter, workers were distributing mooncakes and other food items to the affected people.
Lai Jianrong, a Fuji local, told Xinhua reporters that she experienced a mild tremor around 4 a.m., and ran out barefoot in her nightgown when the tremors became intense.
"Some bricks fell off the wall and I didn't dare to go in again," she said. She was moved to the temporary shelter in the morning.
More than 6,900 affected residents have been relocated, and over 10,000 people have been shifted to temporary shelters as of early Thursday morning, according to the local government.
According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, the earthquake occurred at 4:33 a.m. The epicenter was monitored at 29.2 degrees north latitude and 105.34 degrees east longitude. The quake struck at a depth of 10 km.
Approved by the provincial government, the earthquake relief headquarters of Sichuan has activated a level-II response, the second highest in China's four-tier earthquake emergency response system.
Some telecommunication base stations and cables were damaged.
The Luzhou high-speed railway station has been closed, according to railway authorities.
All coal mines have been ordered to halt underground operations and evacuate miners in shafts.
Zhang Zhiwei, deputy head of the Sichuan earthquake administration, said the quake, unlike the devastating Wenchuan Earthquake and Lushan Earthquake in the province, happened in the fracture zone of Huaying Mountain.
An expert analysis concluded that a more serious earthquake is unlikely in the area, but aftershocks may occur. (Xinhua)

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