grow up good for nothing(杨宪益译)
grow up into a useless lout(霍克斯译)
➣ 亦系金陵人士,本是书香继世之家。只是如今这薛公子幼年丧父,寡母又怜他是个独根孤种,未免溺爱纵容些,遂致老大无成。(第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案)
➣ He came of a scholarly Chinling family, but having lost his father while still a child he was thoroughly spoiled by his mother as the only son and heir, with the result that he grew up good for nothing.(杨宪益译本)

➣ He was a native of Nanking and came of a refined and highly cultivated family, but having lost his father in infancy and been, as sole remaining scion of the stock, excessively indulged by a doting widowed mother, he had grown up into a useless lout.(霍克斯译本)

#看新闻,学英语# Learning English through News

Meng Wanzhou returns to China after being released by B.C. court amid U.S. deal
September 25, 2021

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei Technologies’ chief financial officer, has been freed after a B.C. Supreme Court agreed to a discharge order, withdrawing the U.S. extradition request against her.

The judge’s decision to free Meng comes just hours after the Huawei executive secured a deal to resolve the charges against her in a U.S. court earlier Friday.

In a statement, Canada’s Department of Justice said that there was “no basis” for proceedings to continue after the U.S. extradition request was dropped.

“The judge released Meng Wanzhou from all of her bail conditions. Meng Wanzhou is free to leave Canada,” read the statement.

Shortly after emerging from court, the Huawei executive also read a statement thanking the judge, crown lawyers and Canadian people.

“Sorry for the inconvenience,” said Meng.

“Over the past three years my life has been turned upside down. It was a disruptive time for me as a mother, a wife and a company executive. But I believe every cloud has silver lining. It really was an invaluable experience in my life.”

Meng later left on an Air China flight bound for Shenzhen, China — the location of Huawei’s headquarters.

Speaking Friday evening shortly after Meng’s departure, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed that both Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor were on their way back to Canada after spending over 1,000 days in detention in China.

“These two men have gone through an unbelievably difficult ordeal,” Trudeau said.

“It is good news for all of us that they are on their way home to their families.”

#全球抗疫# 为何丹麦抗疫能够成功、美国不能?



Washington Post reported this week. As a result, 86 percent of eligible Danes have been vaccinated. In the U.S., trust in expertise, government, the media, and institutions has collapsed. Vaccinations are lagging below 50 percent in many states, and we may add another 100,000 deaths this fall and winter to our grim total of 675,000. The pandemic still casts a deep shadow over our lives.

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