问答 |
问:@辜居一 辜老师,这是丫头这周的作业,求点评。




Question and answer |
Q: @ Mr. Gu Juyi, this is the girl's homework this week. please comment on it.
A: First of all, I'm sure it's good for the girl to draw a stainless steel-themed still life for the first time!

1. the primary and secondary arrangement of the picture also needs to be considered, because the combination of the front still life and the book is the most important, so the strongest light and dark contrast and the most in-depth portrayal should be reflected in the front set of still life.

2. the brightness of the bright tablecloth should not exceed the brightness of the book, nor should it produce a strong light and dark contrast with the second row of still life.

3. although the fine sketch training should be emphasized, the third row of still life should give way in light and shade, fine degree and so on and obey the front row of still life in any case.

Law of relaxation

Only when one's mind is relaxed can one achieve the best results. Any slack or impatience in mentality will lead to bad results. What is the best mentality? The answer is that the clearer and clearer it is, the better! Aim at the ideal personality, ideal state, ideal interpersonal relationship, ideal life and other things you want, then relax your mind, work hard and do what you should do. Don't keep thinking about when these things will come, then the arrival of these things can surprise you sometimes. On the contrary, the more anxious you are about the result, the less you can get the ideal result and even the opposite result.

For example, on a hot night when there is a power outage, you lie in bed sweating and suffering from sleeplessness. you are always thinking about when the damn electricity will come. electricity will not come when you are in a hurry. but when you finally have had enough, people will be quiet, stable and naturally cool. when you are fast asleep, electricity will come. suddenly your room is brightly lit and the electric fan will turn up. This is not coincidence, not superstition, this is law, this is relaxation law.

This is the reason why Zen master yun gu asked Mr fan to recite the mantra without thinking. It is also worth noting that the so-called mindlessness does not mean that there is not a single thought in one's heart, but that there is a thought but does not reside, " one lives without a dwelling."

We are not native speakers, so that we learn language but not acquire it, and we can never think like the native ones. We learn English in China, some others learn it abroad. Both two groups of students make mistakes when they speak. English teachers never correct you, but Chinese teachers always correct you. You speak, you make mistakes, Chinese teachers correct you; and then you speak, you make mistakes, Chinese teachers correct you; and then you keep silent, because when you keep silent, there is no mistake; and finally there is no one speak in the class. So, whether are your teachers wrong for correcting you or you wrong for keeping silent in avoidence of making mistakes. Maybe this is not a problem but a general situation.(from my liguistics teacher Mr. GU)

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