
The 22nd day of the eighth month of the traditional Chinese calendar celebrates the grand birthday of Dīpankara Buddha. Also known as the Fixed Light Buddha, the Universal Light Tathagata, the Lamplight Tathagata, and the Light Bearer Buddha, Dīpankara Buddha is one of the thousand Buddhas born in the glorious kalpa of the past. The Treatise on the Great Virtue of Wisdom of Nāgārjuna (vol. 9) stated that "at the moment of his birth, everything around him was as bright as lamps, hence he was named Prince Dipankara. And when he became a Buddha, he retained this name."

Sept. 22nd

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the three major US stock indexes fell sharply, dragging the Hong Kong stock market's Hang Seng Index to open 231 points lower on Tuesday, to 23,867, and once fell 327 points. Afterwards, it rebounded from the waist. It gradually broke through in the afternoon, and the buying orders were active in the late market. It rose 185 points hit the day's high of 24,284, and closed at 24,221 points, up 122 points. The HS technology index closed at 6,242 points, down 28 points. The main board's full-day turnover shrank to HK$119.2 billion . The mainland stock market continued to be closed.

U.S. stocks rebounded sharply the following night, dragging Hong Kong stocks to open further lower on Tuesday, hitting a low of 23,771, a record low since October 5 last year. Calculated from the monthly high of 28,560, the volatility reached 2,789 points. Or because the decline has been deep in the last two trading days, the market rebounded slightly and technically fell after a while. At present, the market is like a "horrified bird." Once there are uncertainties, the bottom line will still be found technically. Although the Hong Kong stock market lacks positive factors in the short term, there is still a greater chance of staying at 24,000 points. However, there is not much room for a rebound. The 24,581 points at the bottom of the previous rampant range have resistance, and it is always possible to retreat to the low of 23,124 last September. In the weaker case, it will fall to 22,244 points.

After discussing interest rates, the U.S. Federal Reserve decided to maintain the federal funds rate between 0 and 0.25%, as expected by the market. The statement on interest rates pointed out that if the US economy continues to recover, it will be determined to implement the quantitative easing (QE) policy soon, but no specific time has been provided. At the same time, interest rates are expected to increase next year. The U.S. stock market is doing well on Wednesday (22nd). The Dow ended its four-day losing streak, closing at 34,258 points, up 338 points. The standard index closed at 4,395 points, up 41 points. The Nasdaq closed at 14,896 points, up 150 points. https://t.cn/R2Wiogm

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