How cruel life is, how beautiful it is.
Without comparison, you lose your perception.
Pain is just a stepping stone to happiness, so the more painful you are, the happier you are.
As I get older and older, the more I find that I love my mother more and more. I didn't necessarily go to see her once a month before, but in the last year or two, I basically went to see her several times a week.
I feel extremely happy when I think of my mother's healthy company with me.
Spend more time with your parents when you have time, and don't leave any regrets.

After watching this movie...
Back to reality, it's upset right? But it's a bittersweet I think. There wouldn't be more painful or crazy feelings in their heart anymore. Even their whole life would be just peaceful because they didn't meet each other. But if they follow the rules of ordinary life, then the meaning of that night and their passion would be killed.
So maybe the most beautiful thing is the one and only night.

What all this means for China is one question, but I’m interested in another: What does all this mean for the United States? That the Chinese economy was going to become really big, (likely to be bigger than ours), we all saw it coming a mile away. But we didn’t envision on what terms this would occur, and what it would all mean for us. Now that picture is becoming clear.

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