What if once upon a time,there were no stars in the sky at all.
What if the stars are not what we think.
What if the light from the far doesnt come from the rays of distance suns.
But from our wings as we turn into angels.

Destiny calls to each of us.And there is a world behind the world where we are all connected.All part of great and moving plan.Magic is everywhere around us.You just have to look,look,look closely.For even time and distance are not what they appear to be.

We are all connected.Each baby born carries a miracle inside,a unique purpose.And that miracle is promised one person,and one person alone.We are voyagers.Set on a course towards destiny to find the one person our miracle is meant for.
——Winter's tale.


I am so appreciate that we fully shoot for the stars and we have each other’s backs. We make each other proud for our achievements and we are both ambitious. Thank you for always hyping me up and now I’m another step closer to my goal.
Never give up to fight till the end.
Good night


US Domestic Transportation Tax (US) – A 7.5% tax on the base fare is applied to every ticket. Collected by the Internal Revenue Service, the money is used to fund Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operations, such as air traffic controllers and radar systems. It also goes into the Airport Improvement Program and is used for expenses like building runways.

U.S. September 11th Security Fee (AY) – Passengers pay $2.50 per flight, with a maximum charge of $5 per one way trip (up to two charges in each direction). This fee is paid directly to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Segment Tax (ZP) – The Passenger Segment Tax, currently $3.90 for each flight segment, has been added for a total of $7.80. There is no limit to the number of segments that can be taxed. This tax is also collected by the IRS and goes to the FAA and the Improvement Program.

Passenger Facility Charge (XF) – Capped at a maximum of $4.50 per departure, the Passenger Facility Charge is collected by and paid directly to the departure airport to fund FAA-approved airport projects that enhance safety, security, or capacity; reduce noise; or increase air carrier competition. For this itinerary a charge of $9 has been added; $4.50 for the MIA departure and $4.50 for the SFO departure.

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