The HIV and AIDS pandemic, the plight of street children, the commercial sexual exploitation of children, child soliders, and many other global threats are major risks facing children in the 21st century. While concern for children at risk is not new for Christians, the recent population trends and a growing awareness of the situations facing so many of the world's children have rendered them among the most significant challenges facing churches and missions today.
In the midst of these staggering problems there is a growing movement among God's people that has taken up the challenge to serve Christ among the least of these, children on the margins of society. Initially, groups like World Vision, World Relief, Tearfund, and a range of other non-profit organizations were the leaders among evangelicals. However, as population growth continued, missions and churches began to wake up to the need to engage with a holistic approach. At the same time, new initiatives emerged that were committed to work with children as their primary calling.

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【国务院新闻办发表《中国的生物多样性保护》白皮书】La Chine a publié un livre blanc sur la conservation de sa biodiversité, alors qu'elle se prépare à une grande conférence des Nations Unies la semaine prochaine. Le document indique que le pays a mis en place des zones protégées et des parcs nationaux pour promouvoir sa conservation in situ. Environ 10 000 aires protégées ont été créées depuis que la Chine a créé sa première réserve naturelle en 1956. Elles représentent environ 18 % de la superficie totale du pays. Le pays a également placé 90 % des types d'écosystèmes terrestres et 71 % des principales espèces sauvages protégées par l'État sous une protection efficace. #LivreBlanc#

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  • 市外入(返)曲人员,提前24小时向目的地社区或在“曲靖防疫出行”小程序进行报备,途中做好个人防护,入曲后积极配合落实信息查验、健康监测等防控措施,不瞒报、不漏报
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