Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars.

[炸鸡腿] ebb
n. 退潮;衰退;衰落
vi. 衰退;衰落;潮退;减少
ebb and flow 兴衰,起伏;潮的涨落
ebb tide 退潮,落潮
at a low ebb 处于低潮;衰败

[炸鸡腿] stranded
同义词:beached,aground,stuck,high and dry,run aground

[炸鸡腿] 逝去(拓)
elapse (时间的)消逝
pass,pass by,intervene,slip away,go by



3M and Ford (F) will collaborate on making more powered air-purifying respirators to help in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak

ST. PAUL, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 3M and Ford Motor Company are partnering to increase the production of 3M’s powered air-purifying respirators, or PAPRs.

3M and Ford are collaborating on specific ways the companies can rapidly combine complementary capabilities and resources to help meet a surge in demand for personal protective equipment due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

3M’s powered air-purifying respirators use a waist-mounted, battery-powered blower that sends filtered air into a hood that helps provide respiratory protection for workers, including those in healthcare. 3M’s PAPR systems can offer a more comfortable user experience for wearers who need respiratory protection for an extended period of time.

“We’re exploring all available opportunities to further expand 3M’s capacity and get healthcare supplies as quickly as possible to where they’re needed most – which includes partnering with other great companies like Ford,” said Mike Roman, 3M chairman of the board and chief executive officer. “It’s crucial that we mobilize all resources to protect lives and defeat this disease, and I’m incredibly grateful to Ford and their employees for this partnership.”

“3M is providing vital personal protective equipment for medical workers and we’ve empowered our engineers and designers to move as quickly as possible to help 3M grow PAPR production using common parts to speed this up. We are also volunteering our facilities for additional production,” said Jim Hackett, Ford’s president and CEO.

Overall, 3M has doubled its global output of N95 respirators to a rate of more than 1.1 billion per year, or nearly 100 million per month. In the United States 3M is producing 35 million respirators per month; of these, more than 90 percent are now designated for healthcare workers, with the remaining deployed to other industries also critical in this pandemic, including energy, food and pharmaceutical companies.

当地时间24日,CNN刊登了一篇文章“无人机、消毒机器人、超级计算机——新冠肺炎疫情是对中国技术企业的一次测试”,一一列举了中国疫情中用的一些新技术。China has spent decades nurturing its tech sector. Now, faced with a massive public health crisis, Beijing is pushing its tec...中国科技的发展与应用,正在被外国眼羡。

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