我只是感叹昨天的天空还是晴朗的,今天突然下毛毛雨,My friend said that it's not like a woman's emotions.This male friend is probably in trouble.I compared a scissor hand and said, "In addition to physical conditions, womenThere are mostly two kinds of mood changes.One is to feel that you did not pay attention to her emotional changes and react in time.The other is that she thinks she can do it, but the result is not."What does it meanI just sighed that the sky was still sunny yesterday,Suddenly drizzle today,My friend said that it's not like a woman's emotions.This male friend is probably in trouble.I compared a scissor hand and said, "In addition to physical conditions, womenThere are mostly two kinds of mood changes.One is to feel that you did not pay attention to her emotional changes and react in time.The other is that she thinks she can do it, but the result is not."What does it mean?It means that in an intimate relationship,Women's good emotions mostly come from the satisfaction of a sense of security,Is there any psychological or physical discomfort,I hope to be seen by people around me for the first time.Or women always feel that they can do many things on their own,When people around you happen to have other troubles,Can't bear to burden the other party.As a result, I still couldn't bear it.Under anxiety and conflict,There will be bad emotions.In fact, both men and women,In the relationship between the sexes,Always want to be seen,Be heard,To be tolerated and needed.

In your future life, you must meet roommates and friends who have fun together like us, but occasionally you should think of me, which may be the meaning of my temporary stay in your life.


Companion is better than words, and details are better than love words.


When the dusk meets, everything becomes tender and moving.


Keep everything you like with me. This is the meaning of hard work.


Don't embarrass yourself, just live like yourself.

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