Does anyone else feel like they’re getting better at living in the present?

Two years ago around this time, I was on tour in China - shaking hands, hugging, meeting lots of wonderful people. I knew those were special moments, but they seem even more special now considering the events of the last two years.

I’m a very goal oriented person, so I tend to live in the future in my mind more often than the present. But since recently none of us have been able to make the plans we want to make, and we have no idea what tomorrow will be like - you can’t really live in the future at all. We’re (hopefully) more aware of the fact that we can only really live in the present moment.

The disappointments of the past can also weigh you down if you keep focusing on them. We’ve all had a huge pile of disappointments and discouragement in the last two years. But the challenge and the invitation is to be able to let go of them, so that they don’t keep holding you down in the present, and prevent you from experiencing the good things right in front of you.

I know it sounds cliche, but the present is where we’re meant to live - and if we get better at it, I’d say that’s a good thing that is coming out of all this.

Senior suggestswe need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as somethingthat can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past tense condition.


第一步:谓语动词:suggests, need, can be, should consider

第二步:连词:省略that, 冒号(前后为两个完整的句子,相当于句号),that


主句:Senior suggests

宾从:省略that we need to redefine happiness

主句为we should consider… past tense condition。

定从:that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy,该句的被动语态出现在that引导的定语从句中;介词短语by moment-to-moment joy为状语,表示“用即时快乐的方式”。


Life is a process of constantly challenging yourself. Don't lose heart and abandon yourself because of a disappointment. No one lives in the past and no one lives in the future. The important thing is that today you should learn to have an optimistic heart. Even if the road ahead is difficult, you should also find a light in your heart to illuminate your progress.

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