


It's another day when we shed tears for the love of the gods. There is a scene in watching Qing Yu Nian. Wan'er told her mother that even if Fan Xian's path was a dead end
she would accompany him to walk together. Unexpectedly
dad hugged me and sat beside me.The mom I'm sour
they sprinkled dog food while I was going to the kitchen to make herbal tea. My dad ran to me quietly and said
“Back then
your mom and I were getting married because the family was poor. Your grandfather strongly opposed it and started a fight.Your grandpa said'?It's another day when we shed tears for the love of the gods. There is a scene in watching Qing Yu Nian. Wan'er told her mother that even if Fan Xian's path was a dead end
she would accompany him to walk together. Unexpectedly
dad hugged me and sat beside me.The mom I'm sour
they sprinkled dog food while I was going to the kitchen to make herbal tea. My dad ran to me quietly and said
“Back then
your mom and I were getting married because the family was poor. Your grandfather strongly opposed it and started a fight.Your grandfather said
"Even if he becomes a beggar in the future
I will follow him." I just heard the words in the play just outside her house at the time. It reminded me of what your mother said back then."

可以说10月是今年过得最快的一个月 也是最开心的一个月 回归了大xian 和好朋友一起去旅了游 见到了日夜循环的马师 吃了心心念念的冒椒火辣 穿了好看的衣服 过了自己的24岁
接下来的两个月再没有假期[泪] 在北京就进入冬眠模式 又开始一个人孤独又无聊的生活 只希望生活可以顺顺利利
10月开心结束 11月你好

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