Quest Chasers: The Deadly Cavern - Thomas Lockhaven 电子书Mobi+epub - Teens > Science Fiction & Fantasy - January 18, 2017
Trapped in an evil demon's labyrinth, can Eevie and Tommy solve all the puzzles to escape with their lives?
Quest Chasers - The Deadly Cavern is a middle grade magical thrill-ride packed with exciting puzzles and riddles. If your child likes interactive challenges, fantasy adventures, and the book The Spiderwick Chronicles, then you'll all love Grace and Thomas Lockhaven's spellbinding adventure.
Buy Quest Chasers to try to guess the magical ending today!

The Last Time We Say Goodbye - Cynthia Hand 有声书音频mp3+电子书mobi+epub - Teens > Literature & Fiction - Narrated by: Julia Whelan
Length: 9 hrs and 19 mins - Unabridged - Release date: 02-10-15
In the tradition of Thirteen Reasons Why and All the Bright Places, The Last Time We Say Goodbye is a deeply affecting novel that will change the way you look at life and death.
From New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Hand comes a stunning, heart-wrenching novel of love and loss, which ALA Booklist called "both shatteringly painful and bright with life and hope" in a starred review.

Colorblind: A Novel-Leah Harper Bowron 电子书 mobi+epub - Teens > Historical Fiction - July 11, 2017
2017 International Book Awards: Best New Fiction, Finalist
2017 International Book Awards: Social Change, Finalist
The time is 1968. The place is Montgomery, Alabama. The story is one of resilience in the face of discrimination and bullying. Using the racially charged word "Negro," two Caucasian boys repeatedly bully Miss Annie Loomis--the first African-American teacher at the all-white Wyatt Elementary School. At the same time, using the hateful word “harelip,” the boys repeatedly bully Miss Loomis’s eleven-year-old Caucasian student, Lisa Parker, who was born with cleft palate and cleft lip. Who will best the bullies? Only Lisa’s mood ring knows for sure.
"Bowron’s debut novel is a short and fast-paced novel that will appeal to reluctant readers . . . The story demonstrates the bravery required to stand up to ignorance and cruelty; readers will appreciate the overall message of tolerance and acceptance embedded in this historical fiction novel.”
―VOYA Magazine

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  •  Ps:阳光玫瑰每串发货都有气泡柱包裹,保证到手品相最佳,送人也拿得出手,另外为了运输方便,是多仓发货~【天祝非遗】今年流行蓝坛子端午节,去草原看花。有了陶器就
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  • 从室外考古转为室内考古,土山二号墓考古工作跨世纪前后历时40余年,是目前已发现东汉时期保存较为完整的大型诸侯主墓葬,初步判断二号墓的时代为东汉早、中期墓。从室外
  • 但她却是十分的雅致,面向一个不大不小的汊港(湖荡的土语)极有可能是先祖们建设家园时取土开挖出来的,特意让子孙后代们可以天天享受“面朝大海,春暖花开”的诗情。
  • 这周的出游是这里~#晋州翼龙脚印展览馆庆尚南道晋州市永川江路六八号街22 晋州翼龙脚印展览馆营业时间:每天09:00~17:30(3月~10月/入场截止:17
  • 长夜漫漫,角声时起,给人一种绝域苍茫的肃杀气氛,在这阴森恐怖的陌生之地,作者只有悲愤地喃喃自语,聊以排遣内心的痛苦于万一。笔走纸端,泼墨欢喜,一笺新词,韵生烟,
  • 愚园路上新开了一家粉色小花园✨居然是吃火锅的‼️ 他们家的火锅居然是酸的‼️ 还是粉色的‼️ 有哪个plmm可以拒绝这个颜值的火锅‼️ 每日现熬汤底,酸鲜好吃壮
  • 솔직히..몸 안의 핵심을 절개하는 방식으로 산문을 쓴다.. 이것은 나에게 매우 어려운 일이야.장르에 서툰게 아니라 1인칭 화법으로 자신의 솔직한
  • 虽然他在杯赛中身体状态并不完美,但由于新冠肺炎,在2场比赛中打满了全场。 由于与二传手配合的时间不足,在进攻上有些遗憾。
  • 20年初的时候,北方各地都在下雪,我去了北京,去了故宫,刚好那天开放了,看到了期待很久的雪后故宫。有一天去奥林匹克公园还遇见微博之夜,外面好多粉丝拿着海报,还有
  • 其实除了这个,还有个让网友疑惑的地方,那就是张根硕郑容和、李钟硕为什么没去参加婚礼。 不过看网友这较真儿的劲头,曾经跟朴信惠合作过的李钟硕、郑容和和姜敏赫
  • 领券即可现货,优惠券:洗地机是一款神奇的产品,百闻不如一见,见了就果断入对拖地腰腿疼的日子说拜拜,快速高效还要有性价比,应该是大家共同的心声感谢各位朋友看到这里
  • 比方说,有的人八字虽然财星不旺但身强,他们可以以自身生食神,并以食神生财,所以他的财运也很好。 八字中的财星首先要说明的是,八字中的财星,不等于财运。
  • 另外,@吴磊全球后援会 你想想你自己之前干的那些事,你觉得你还有公信力吗,蓝V[微笑]#黄礼志[超话]# 520天咯记得一开始认识梯宝宝们是因为在dy上刷到了粒
  • 我在说啥)不要有什么负担呀今年事情真的很多,我又是考研党,最近也发生了好多事,我焦头烂额的,忙得苍蝇无厘头乱撞,想给路老师写信的事情也一直拖着(这个应该归锅到我
  • 刘宇宁我是很慢热的人,但是我保温性能很好一旦热起来,就不会凉下去,比如喜欢你@摩登兄弟刘宇宁老大,新的一周,工作顺利摩登兄弟刘宇宁 mdxd lyn刘宇宁一念关
  • 感染者1163至1170:均为隔离观察人员,现住昌平区。 感染者1171至1178:均为隔离观察人员,现住海淀区。