I feel that amidst the busy pace of life, it is important to guard our solitude in our hearts and to continue to embrace the pursuit of the depths and richness of the spirit, keeping our spirits fulfilled and completed, enriching our souls, keeping it satisfied.
Ultimately nothing on this earth really satisfies and completes us other than Love because it is Love that heals our soul and completes our being.
Humans always chase after the outward, but really it is what in the heart that matters, because it is in our hearts that essence is being built and developed and ultimately essence keeps us and sustains us even amidst the pressures and hard knocks of life.
A lot of people look to You as their anchor of their faith, the rock of their life, and the completion of their soul. If they are on their own, they really do not know how to find their own enrichment and fulfillment in life.
It is one thing to always have someone to look up as a role model, it is another thing to fully let their own self development dependent on another person.
I feel that no matter how deeply a woman loves a man, she should always need to have the ability to stand on her own and have her own growth and development herself.
No man can withstand a clingy and needy woman because man will fear this the most.
In fact it's human nature to resist clingyness and neediness, but unfortunately most women fails to understand how important it is for woman to have the ability to develop herself.
If a woman cannot even have the ability to grow up herself and be better on her own ability, how can her man have the confidence and the trust to rely on her, afterall a woman is a man's peace and source of inspiration, encouragement, courage and strength, just like he is her source of peace and source of inspiration, encouragement, courage and strength
It just works and flows both ways like a river
Love when at ease and in liberty will flow like a river that energises life and fulfillment limitlessly, and that river usually flows both ways
Just like what You said, many things have double aspects and are relative
In fact, if a woman is not fully grown up or developed, destiny will not bring her to her man. Destiny has its timing, so is the timing of self development.

When we first feel depressed and uncertain, should we look back at our environment, whether it is good or bad, whether it is the source of our confusion? Or maybe the world's measure of good or bad has changed. If you have everything, it means you're doing well. If you have nothing, it means you're a failure. Maybe, when you have everything, you will be confused, you will have no goals, you will not know where the next step of life is, when you have nothing, you have the possibility to pursue everything, everything is a new start. Good or bad, just from different angles.










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