I was still a child【我仍是那不谙世事的孩童】
I didn't get the chance to【还未曾有机会去】
Feel the world around me【体会身边那广阔的世界】
I had no time to choose what I chose to do
So go easy on me【所以请用你最后的宽容待我】

——《Easy On Me》·Adele





Some changes in life, often in the past will not be carefully considered. So, think of do not hesitate, miss can only recall. Good morning!

美国前总统,可惜不是有真本事,只是个牛皮大王,You play tough I play tough:
Viktor Orbán of Hungary truly loves his Country and wants safety for his people. He has done a powerful and wonderful job in protecting Hungary, stopping illegal immigration, creating jobs, trade, and should be allowed to continue to do so in the upcoming Election. He is a strong leader and respected by all. He has my Complete support and Endorsement for reelection as Prime Minister!
1. Seized control of the university system in the country
2. Changed election laws
3. Altered textbooks to reflect his anti-immigration stance
4. Cracked down on independent media
There's more -- lots more -- but you get the general gist: Orban, over the past decade, has sought to consolidate power and eliminate both his opposition and the country's free media. 
"The man has very strong control over a country. Now, it's a very different system and I don't happen to like the system, but certainly in that system, he's been a leader. Far more than our president has been a leader."
But I like him a lot. I've gotten to know him very well. He's a strong gentleman, right? Anybody that -- he's a strong guy, tough guy."
"President Erdogan. He's tough, but I get along with him. And maybe that's a bad thing, but I think it's a really good thing."
He admires authoritarians like Orban (and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whom he endorsed last year) because he is attracted to their ability to do whatever they want whenever they want. He is not concerned with the impacts on a free society of having a leader of the sort Orban is. His thought process never gets that far; it's simply that these guys are tough, and he not only likes tough but aspires to be tough like them.
There is, of course, a big difference between being strong (or tough) and being just. Strength is not wisdom -- and often strength undermines wisdom.
He seems to not grasp that difference -- or just doesn't care. In his mind, leaders take as much power as they can for as long as they can. Which explains not just his support for Orban but also his continued efforts to undermine the free and fair presidential election of 2020.

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