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macro最终考到了A让我相信“越努力越幸运” 期末结束的那天也如期收到了英签 既安心又激动地准备着七月回到伦敦再开启一份新的生活

春天的形容词是“fresh“ 新鲜的甜味 新鲜的绿色 新鲜的风和光影 照进来 用相机留住 用眼睛 用心 说句不相干的 咸奶盖冷萃咖啡好好喝呀

看鹿先森乐队工体那场的春风十里 心潮澎湃得不行 晚上更新了一篇Hu's note 奇怪的是早上从遗憾的狗血梦里醒来之后 放着歌 坐在床上自己哭了十几分钟 眼泪就控制不住地往下流的那种 不知道原因 没为什么 可能是他又出现了 或者是另外一个 在我还没来得及记住之前 他的样子 我已经忘了

我只是想 好好等爱

《出塞》 王昌龄作者:王昌龄
Marching Out to the Frontier
Wang Changling
The bright moon of Qin still shines over the pass of Han;
Those who marched far away are not back home anyhow.
If General Li of Dragon Town were alive now,
He'd never allow Hu's horses over Mt Yin Shan.

#Nitpicking at 胡文仲#

In an article titled "外语教育改革二三事" ( ), Prof. Hu Wenzhong quotes Prof. Kramer, then chairman of the English Department when he studied at the University of Sydney, as follows:

“The university is seen as the guardian of traditional learning, but on the other hand all learning must be subjected to critical inquiry. This has its roots in skeptical inquiry and individualism. In keeping with these two principles, lectures are meant to be inspirational. The tutorial, seminar and essay-writing all give the students a chance to express their own views. The conclusion is the least important, but the argument must be well-conducted.”

Although it is a direct quote, the passage contains quite a few problems. My guess is that Prof. Kramer said something to that effect and the text is actually based on a transcription by Prof. Hu. So I will hold Prof. Hu accountable for any problems in it that have caught my eyes. Granted that spoken English does not always adhere to the standards set for written English, some of the problems are serious by any standards. I am listing them below in the order of occurrence:

(1) “The university" should be "University" since the speaker clearly refers to university in general, not a specific one.

(2) "but on the other hand" is acceptable, but either "but" or "on the other hand" alone should be sufficient.

(3) "be subjected to" should be "be subject to". According to the Oxford English Dictionary, while "be subject to" means to be "dependent or conditional upon", "be subjected to" means to be forced "to undergo (a particular experience of form of treatment)". The speaker clearly means the former, not the latter.

(4) "[Critical inquiry] has its roots in skeptical inquiry and individualism." This is probably the original wording of Prof. Kramer, but the relations among the three concepts are not well delineated. For example, what makes one inquiry "skeptical" but the other "critical"? And why does the latter lie at a deeper level than the former? Although no grammatical error is involved here, better wording would have made the meaning clearer.

(5) "these two principles" is confusing as skeptical inquiry is more a practice than a principle.

(6) "The tutorial, seminar and essay-writing" looks fine until one glances back to "lectures". Why are the nouns singular in one place but plural in the other? To be consistent, it should be changed to "tutorials, seminars and essay-writing".

(7) "the students" should be "students", for the same reason as given in (1).

(8) "The conclusion" sounds rather odd. Whose conclusion, the student's or "mine"? If it is the student's conclusion, why is it singular? Do they all reach the same conclusion?

Again, some of the problems are less serious than the others, and I have applied the standards of written English to spoken English. But it is my hope that, by reading this post, you gain a glimpse into all that goes into the writing of even a very short paragraph in English.

Finally, here is my rewriting of Prof. Hu's passage:

While university is seen as the guardian of traditional learning, all learning must be subject to critical inquiry, which draws on skepticism and individualism. In keeping with these two principles, lectures are meant to be inspirational, just as tutorials, seminars, and essay-writing are intended to give students a chance to express their own views. What conclusions they reach are not important so long as they conduct their arguments well.

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  • 2.我没有和李子龙要过钱,我唯一和他提过要的只有道歉,还是在他撒谎和恐吓我的情况下,我和他说“我以为你是来道歉的,结果连道歉都没有。政府还给我安排过一次心理咨询
  • 我肯定是盐吃多了 不然怎么总是闲的想你啊 有你既安好,浅笑明媚世界,喜欢你,不言而的欢喜 愿林深时见鹿,海蓝时见鲸,梦醒时见你 若是不曾遇见你,我怎会知晓星火灿
  •   站在基地的大棚里,张书义告诉记者,“‘小兔拔拔’品牌发布会之后,田水铺村连同周边其他村庄的萝卜,收价平均涨了1块钱,村民们都高兴极了。  现在,正是天津市武
  • 3、好心境是自己创造的我们常常无法去改变别人的看法,能改变的恰恰只有我们自己。6、不要追逐世俗的荣誉终生寻找所谓别人认可的东西,会永远痛失自己的快乐和幸福。